Sentences with phrase «precious gift in our life»

We are in awe of this precious gift in our life.
Furthermore to experience love, lose it and fall in love once more teaches us that even the most precious gifts in life are fleeting but also that there is always hope once more!
An exploring mind is the most precious gift in life and it's very keen to learn without any judgmental eye.
God has given us a precious gift in your life with us and we are forever grateful.

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As a soldier in the Army I must uphold my duty to defend life, for it is precious, gifted to us by God, and no one has the right to take it.
Because our basic theological understandings of grace include assent to the claim that the most beautiful and precious things in and about our lives are unearned and undeserved, themes of gift and gratitude sometimes seem overworked.
This religion would need to view men and women as equal partners in life, and treat children as precious gifts from God.
The mentally healthy person is the productive and unalienated person; the person who relates himself to the world lovingly, and who uses his reason to grasp reality objectively; who experiences himself as a unique individual entity, and at the same time feels one with his fellowman; who is not subject to irrational authority, and who accepts willingly the rational authority of conscience and reason; who is in the process of being born as long as he is alive, and considers the gift of life the most precious chance he has.
There are few gifts in life more precious than flesh - and - blood people who help put us back together when we fall apart.
The traveller departed in a hurry, overjoyed with the unexpected gift of the precious stone that was enough to give him wealth and security for the rest of his life.
You can't walk around in a state of panic when you've just been given life's most precious gift; it feels so selfish and ungrateful.
For us, babywearing has always been first and foremost about wellness — health, bonding, security, safety, love — a key tool in the holistic development of our most precious and vulnerable gifts, and a way to improve the lives of families during what can be a rather overwhelming time.
When family is your first priority in life, you can understand how precious the gift of a child is.
«As a mother, it's among my top priorities to advance pro-life and pro-women policies in Congress and I will continue to promote a culture that respects the most precious gift of all, the gift of life,» Tenney said.
«Life is such a precious gift and I have kicked myself every day that I didn't spend more time with my father at that end period,» Cuomo said during his annual state and budget address here, referring to former governor Mario Cuomo, who died shortly after the governor was inaugurated for a second term in 2015.
I am Grateful for all God has done in my life, It is a time to remember not to take anything fro granted not a single gift, or person, or even a moment in time, for when God gives it it is precious...
Celebrate all the blessings in your life — people, things and places — and be grateful for them because the love you have in your life, however small, is a precious gift.
I came to pets and pet sitting «later in life,» and discovered, with great gratitude, a passion and a gift for taking care of your precious animal companions... because that is what they are, for you and for me.
When I asked Jim what drew him to tiny house living he thoughtfully answered, «Time is the most precious gift we have in this life, not money, and Tiny House living makes it easier to get rid of all the extra «stuff» that clutters up our lives.
Reminds me of life before we adopted and how having children later in life is such a precious gift.
My parents & in - laws are always at the top most precious people in our lives but gift giving is getting a bit harder each year so the personalized deer ornanment would be perfect!
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