Sentences with phrase «precious life of a human being»

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The «softer» language of equal protection, however, can not mask the fact that precious little room is left for states to assert their traditional interest in protecting human life.
In Francis Coralic Mullin (1981 S. C. 746), Bhagwati J. observed: «The fundamental right to life... is the most precious human right and... forms the arc of all other rights».
This is a very healthy corrective to a great deal that has unquestionably disfigured the history of institutional Christianity; for instance, the sometimes subtle but persistent belittling of the richest and most profound of human experiences, as if the joys of human love were somehow suspect, and not among the most sheerly precious experiences that life has to offer.
Babies — even those with dire prospects — are precious human beings whose lives have intrinsic dignity and inherent moral value beyond that of any nonhuman.
Human life on Earth and in the wide reaches of the cosmos is a rare and precious resource.
We can't not know the preciousness of human life - therefore, if we tell ourselves that humanity is a matter of degree, we can't help holding those who are more human more precious than those who are less.
They remind Ivan of all that is precious in life, the glories of human love and natural splendor, the inward movement of all things toward life's energizing center.
Once a baby is safely locked away in their plastic bucket, it is too commonly treated like just another piece of luggage to be toted about, rather than a precious and valued human life.
In that speech (a full copy of which you can view by clicking here), I offered some suggestions on how each of us — whether we be parent, coach, official, athletic trainer, clinician, current or former professional athlete, sports safety equipment manufacturer, whether we were there representing a local youth sports program, the national governing body of a sport, or a professional sports league, could work together as a team to protect our country's most precious human resource — our children — against catastrophic injury or death from sudden impact syndrome or the serious, life - altering consequences of multiple concussions.
Even though mothers» bodies are capable of miraculously growing a human being for nine months and bringing that precious new life into the world, those same life - giving bodies seem to be failing in ever - increasing numbers to provide life - giving nutrition to those precious babies because of issues with low milk supply.
Somehow, even though mothers» bodies are capable of miraculously growing a human being for nine months and bringing that precious new life into the world, those same life - giving bodies are failing to provide life - giving (and saving!)
To have never voted says two things to me: 1) he has scoffed at what is a precious right that we enjoy in this country, that so many people in the world have, do, and will die for; 2) if, in all his adult life, he has never found another human being worthy of his vote, he must think very highly of himself.
Mr Gamey believes the act could lead to the loss of precious human lives if government goes on to get unposted nurses onto the programme, adding, a major profession like nursing should not be contemplated to be a temporary one.
During the first precious months of life, tiny human beings need love, comfort, and the very best nutrition available.
What we are meant to «do» with this precious gift of life, our highest destiny and the final stage of human development, is to take massive quantities of drugs so that we can all leave our mortal flesh behind and evolve into glittery disco flash drives.
And a whole lot of work to save these precious lives whose only purpose is to bring comfort and love to their humans.
Dogs sacrifice what is most precious to them (their lives) to the benefit of humans.
Water is one of our most critical, precious resources; without it, human life can not be sustained.
As I have posted before, I believe that morality itself is most foundationally «about» the sustainable and healthy survival of the human species along with plentiful and healthy biological diversity along with the sustainable health of our home, planet Earth, all accomplished in a way that respects human equality (in important senses) and embraces a living, precious, and somewhat fragile planet.
And it was recognized those actions were a crap shoot (Where good science and policy goes bad: de-salinization plants in Oz rather than managing episodic flooding, drilling 20,000 ′ below a seafloor 5,000 ′ under a precious biosphere to seek oil that is abundantl available on dry land, for examples), but can anyone name a project of doubt on the scale of this one where unspeakable trillions are to be spent, redistributed, productivity disincentized, where people's lives across the world will be thrown into uncertainty, where this trans - generational mindset will, by design, crush the willful and spirited energy and creativity of human kind until it is finally overthrown democratically or otherwise?
We learn why that was so important that humans used to live in societies under which their religion — something very personal and precious to them as individuals — was under the management of an organization that could control those things.
The natural tendency of humans to resist change, especially when it affects a part of their lives that is considered precious, like wealth, makes it only natural for there to be some level of reluctance, and in some cases, resistance to such adventure.
Life is precious, all of it, human, animal, tree.
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