Sentences with phrase «precious sleep hours»

They don't usually sleep which makes you sacrifice your precious sleep hours.
It's also a very noisy affair, which can disrupt not only their rest but your precious sleeping hours with their continuous baying and crying.

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Last night Steve and I spent our precious sleeping - children hours cleaning frames, repairing foundation, mixing syrup for the newbees, calling beekeeping friends, checking the books and reminding ourselves just what to do.
When I first started experiencing night anxiety, I would rush to my son at his first cry, get him immediately to the breast, and perch on the edge of my rocker with my body hunched, trying desperately to consolidate the movement from the rocker to the crib lest I wake him and waste minutes or hours of precious sleep.
You'll also lose sleep because you need those precious hours after the kids go to sleep so you can have time to yourself.
I understand how tough it can be, especially with kids when those precious hours at night are sometimes the only time a couple gets alone, but in the long run, the extra hours of sleep will equal happier, more patient parents and hopefully many more years of time together.
By the way, the doctors who care enough to do insurance paperwork and are good functional medicine people, I'm not saying you're not, I'm just saying that so many of the rock stars just realized... They wake up one day and they're losing sleep and they're spending hours and hours of their precious time as a healer who spent 20 years learning how to help someone, instead of helping someone they're signing papers, and like, «You know what, I'm done.»
Although sleep difficulties can have many causes, fluctuations of female hormone prior to and during the transition to menopause can steal many hours of precious sleep.
In the wee hours of a recent snooze - free morning, I lay in bed thinking of a way I could achieve great - looking skin even as my precious sleep eluded me.
It can be tempting to trade sleep for a few precious hours of wakefulness, but it is important to consider the hidden costs.
While you may not be able to buy her eight hours of shut - eye, you can help boost the quality of precious sleep she does get by making her bed more comfortable.
Needless to say, those precious hours in between working and sleeping is generally jam packed with errands, catching up with family and friends, doctor appointments, and other stuff.
These authors have labored countless hours over their characters, have lost precious sleep going over the finer points of their stories» plot development, have missed important family events in order to agonize over their stories...
Budget tip: Travel at night and sleep on the bus or train to save money on hotel accommodations and have more time to experience your destination city, rather than wasting precious daylight hours traveling from location to location.
It's that time of the year again... the time when you lose that one precious hour of sleep for Daylight Saving Time.
The 29 year old designer asks «why should a bed, used only during sleeping hours, take up precious living space all day long?
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