Sentences with phrase «precipitation data»

It turned out that the latter assertion was based on temperature readings from just three American weather stations and precipitation data from one.
There are over 30 global precipitation data sets currently available.
The challenge of collecting and analyzing precipitation data collected at different times, in different places, and on different scales.
The editors asked one of the authors to explain more about precipitation data and its uses.
The models were run without the influence of greenhouse gases, so that the scientists could compare those results with the observations from 33 years of satellite precipitation data.
There are no absolute precipitation data or evaporation data for the two periods in the paper, only relative amounts for the difference.
Maps showing precipitation data in the alternative form of percentages of climatological average values are consulted from time to time when preparing the text contained in the summaries, but are not presented in the summaries.
Inset: Comparison of measured winter precipitation observed during the historical Beaver Creek watershed experiments [20] from 1958 — 1982 versus modeled winter precipitation data shown in main figure.
Table 1: Summary of precipitation data from the Rocky Mountain front ranges and stations in the southeast interior region of BC (data courtesy Environment Canada).
Working with private companies, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Risk Management Agency uses precipitation data from NOAA's Climate Prediction Center as part of an insurance program for ranchers and those who grow hay or other livestock forage.
Winter precipitation data for the past millennium were obtained from the Community Earth System Model's Last Millennium Ensemble Project (CESM LME)[43].
Spatial - temporal analysis of United States precipitation data from 1900 to 1999 indicates that the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) primarily modulates drought frequency.
Indeed, Georgia State Averaged Precipitation Data shows an increase from 44.84 in 1958 to 47.75 in 2008 according to SERCC.
Good day, I want to obtain the moisture bugdet term P - E from the evapotranpiration and Total precipitation data sets, and the evaporation values are negative.
Downstream turbine clutter can impact precipitation data by over / underestimation, incorrect wind speed data, and false storm identification and tracking over Lewis County before moving into northern Herkimer County.
Indicators based on daily precipitation data show more mixed patterns of change but significant increases have been seen in the extreme amount derived from wet spells and number of heavy rainfall events.
However, the climatic and precipitation data stored in the stalagmite showed a clearly higher age.
The researchers reviewed precipitation data and found that the Oso area experienced record - breaking rainfall in the weeks leading up to the slide.
The nearby Eagle Cave allowed them to obtain indirect precipitation data.
The analysis began with over 3,000 Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) stations with available precipitation data.
I discussed the limitations of precipitation data previously.
The study has analysed precipitation data of India from 1951 to 2011.
More accurate and reliable precipitation data would be invaluable, not only for the study of climate trends and variability, but also as inputs to hydrological and ecological models and for model validation, characterization of extreme events, and flood and drought forecasting.
Using the tool, city planners anywhere in Europe can themselves generate more detailed future information by entering local precipitation data, flow data from watercourses or emissions of air pollutants.
Combine these with the extremely poor precipitation data for the entire globe and you have another example of climate science being a modern equivalent of the number of angels on the head of a pin.
To investigate these conditions, temperature and precipitation data gathered from BC provincial ministries, BC Hydro and Environment Canada were analyzed to compare monthly and seasonal averages for the 1900 through 2016 period against the long - term averages from the period 1971 - 2000.
The Fortaleza precipitation data in Brazil presented a 52 year cycle — with sub-multiples, phase angles and amplitudes; integrated — .
The England and Wales Precipitation data is available online here.
Input data required are monthly temperature and precipitation data as well as the tree - ring index chronology.
Using precipitation data from the University of East Anglia and ocean temperatures from the Hadley Centre combined with climate models, the researchers were able to add or omit the oceanic temperatures and compare the two sets of results.
Students analyze precipitation data from tour cities to predict the best time of year to perform in these areas.
They also used satellite precipitation data to «backsolve» the brine's origins using sodium concentrations, oxygen and hydrogen isotopes, as the isotopic composition of water reflects the condensation temperature and precipitation rate over time.
A Climate Central analysis of 65 years of winter precipitation data from more than 2,000 weather stations in 42 states, found a decrease in the percent of precipitation falling as snow in winter months for every region of the country.
Area - averaged precipitation data (terciles) for south - west eastern Australia was classified on the basis of STR intensity and position.
I'm always a bit amused at those who promote AGW, and the media who support them, continue to use emotive, evocative words in their descriptions of mathematic statistical functions of temperatures and / or precipitation data sets.
But high winds and heavy rain often happen together, say the authors of the first - of - its - kind study, which looked at long - term tidal and precipitation data for the 17 U.S. port cities that have populations exceeding 1 million and then removed the effects of rising sea level.
Compared with the TRMM, precipitation data shows that the model can well simulate the diurnal rainfall cycle with...
The National Weather Service has kept records for than a century on Alaska's weather, but Thoman relies on more recent trends for his 2016 - 17 winter forecast: the past 10 years of temperature data and 15 years of precipitation data.
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