Sentences with phrase «precipitation events using»

Many climate studies assess trends and projections in heavy precipitation events using precipitation percentile (or quantile) indices.
Another study examined the potential flood damage impacts of changes in extreme precipitation events using the Canadian Climate Centre model and the IS92a emissions scenario for the metropolitan Boston area in the north - eastern USA (Kirshen et al., 2005b).

Not exact matches

The study establishes a method for estimating UHI intensities using PRISM — Parameter - elevation Relationships on Independent Slopes Model — climate data, an analytical model that creates gridded estimates by incorporating climatic variables (temperature and precipitation), expert knowledge of climatic events (rain shadows, temperature inversions and coastal regimes) and digital elevation.
His work mainly focuses on remote sensing of precipitation, hydrologic applications, and the analysis of extreme weather and climatic events using observation and models.
Results are fed into a precipitation - runoff model that is used to simulate severe daily river runoff events in England and Wales (proxy indicators of flood events).
In the Northeast, «Communities are affected by heat waves, more extreme precipitation events, and coastal flooding due to sea level rise and storm surge,» for example, while in the Southeast and Caribbean, «Decreased water availability, exacerbated by population growth and land - use change, causes increased competition for water.
The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District has an ambitious plan to scale up green infrastructure, using green roofs, land conservation, permeable pavement and other approaches to help slow and absorb water during the extreme precipitation events that are becoming more common with climate change.
PCIC Climatologist Faron Anslow will presented a talk titled, «Climatology of extreme precipitation events in British Columbia using a new comprehensive climate dataset.»
In a comment which could have been directed at several European countries, he said: «It is probably a good idea to invest in infrastructure that helps in dealing with heavier precipitation, in particular if you are not yet used to those events
It is a critical and highly integrated natural and economic system threatened by changing land - use patterns and a changing climate — including sea level rise, higher temperatures, and more intense precipitation events.
A week after the event the team, together with the World Weather Attribution team, provided an initial assessment of the influence of anthropogenic climate change on the likelihood of one - day precipitation events averaged over an area encompassing northern England and southern Scotland using data and methods available immediately after the event occurred.
This report discusses our current understanding of the mechanisms that link declines in Arctic sea ice cover, loss of high - latitude snow cover, changes in Arctic - region energy fluxes, atmospheric circulation patterns, and the occurrence of extreme weather events; possible implications of more severe loss of summer Arctic sea ice upon weather patterns at lower latitudes; major gaps in our understanding, and observational and / or modeling efforts that are needed to fill those gaps; and current opportunities and limitations for using Arctic sea ice predictions to assess the risk of temperature / precipitation anomalies and extreme weather events over northern continents.
I'd suggest emissions in part (higher frequency of higher precipitation events), certainly land use (the much overlooked CC contributor), engineering.
Further investigation using high - resolution modeling approaches that better resolve the boundary conditions and fine - scale physical processes (44 ⇓ — 46) and / or using analyses that focus on the underlying large - scale climate dynamics of individual extreme events (8) could help to overcome the limitations of simulated precipitation and temperature in the current generation of global climate models.
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