Sentences with phrase «precipitation intensity»

One expected effect of climate change will be an increase in precipitation intensity: a larger proportion of rain will fall in a shorter amount of time than it has historically.
The mean precipitation taken over area with precipitation for any given day can be considered as the wet - day mean precipitation and provides an indicator for the mean precipitation intensity.
Such observations are consistent with and thus support general theory on the sensitivity of large - scale vapor transport and regional precipitation intensity to extreme greenhouse warming.
It is the Mail who things that this is contradictory with increases in precipitation intensity and they appear to be unique in this belief.
Because precipitation comes mainly from weather systems that feed on the water vapour stored in the atmosphere, this has generally increased precipitation intensity and the risk of heavy rain and snow events.
The insect population dynamic also matters, which in an aquatic breeder like mosquitoes, will be a function of both temperature and the existence of water reservoirs having a 3 + week lifetime, which in turn are a function of precipitation intensity and frequency.
Observed changes in short term precipitation intensity from previous research and the anticipated changes in flood frequency and magnitude expected due to enhanced greenhouse forcing are not generally evident at this time over large portions of the United States for several different measures of flood flows.
«Flooding depends not only on precipitation intensity and duration, but also how much water the ground can hold,» said Leung.
Although there is as yet no convincing evidence in the observed record of changes in tropical cyclone behaviour, a synthesis of the recent model results indicates that, for the future warmer climate, tropical cyclones will show increased peak wind speed and increased mean and peak precipitation intensities.
Their hydrogen isotopic composition can be used as an indicator of past precipitation intensity.
As it says in the paper: «The consequence of more precipitation, higher convective energy transport, and decreasing precipitation area is an increase in mean precipitation intensity...»
Balling, Jr., R. C., and G. B. Goodrich, 2011: Spatial analysis of variations in precipitation intensity in the USA.
The non-Doppler radars provide estimates of precipitation intensity, while Doppler radars can also provide estimates of wind speed and direction by detecting a shift in the frequency of an echo produced by a moving target.
We also have strong evidence that the precipitation intensity is likely to increase with global warming.
Even if possible, it is not desirable to reproduce a natural system in all its inherent complexity — a model is a simplification that allows us to identify and test the sensitivity of a glacier to a range of variables, such as seasonality in mean annual air temperature, precipitation intensity or bed topography.
Culvert and drainage infrastructure damage, due to changes in precipitation intensity, or snow melt timing.
We know that precipitation intensity has been increasing (the amount of rain that falls in the most intense events) across the northern hemisphere — this was clear in the literature even before the Pall et al paper.
The mean precipitation intensity is related to the mean evaporation and is proportional to the ratio of the areas of evaporation and rainfall:
However, Giorgi et al. (2011) suggested a measure of hydro - climatic intensity (HY - INT) which is an integrated metric that captures the precipitation intensity as well as dry spell length.
A reduction in the precipitation area implies higher mean precipitation intensity, and may be linked to changes in the atmospheric overturning presented above.
They include soaring temperatures, declining late - season snowpack, northward - shifted winter storm tracks, increasing precipitation intensity, the worst drought since measurements began, steep declines in Colorado River reservoir storage, widespread vegetation mortality, and sharp increases in the frequency of large wildfires.
Moreover, because of the effects of wind speed, evaporation, and precipitation intensity, different types of rain gauge, and observation techniques induce different errors in precipitation measurements.
Analysis of all storms across the three sites showed a decrease in water column temperature for 75 % of events, with significant negative relationships between stream temperature and precipitation magnitude, precipitation intensity, and stream discharge peaks.
Increased precipitation intensity and variability is projected to increase the risks of flooding and drought in many areas (high confidence)[3.3.1].
Higher water temperatures, increased precipitation intensity, and longer periods of low flows exacerbate many forms of water pollution, with impacts on ecosystems, human health, water system reliability and operating costs (high confidence).
But this claim is discredited by University of Washington climatologist Cliff Mass, who after examining precipitation levels in the Gulf found that «[t] here is no evidence that global warming is influencing Texas coastal precipitation in the long term and little evidence that warmer than normal temperatures had any real impact on the precipitation intensity from this storm.»
That additional moisture fuels increases in precipitation intensity.
The document also identifies the corresponding infrastructure and policy - based adaptation measures that can be implemented in response to increased precipitation intensity,
Gavin said upfront: «By looking at the signatures of climate change in precipitation intensity and comparing that to the internal variability and the observation, the researchers conclude that the probability of intense precipitation on any given day has increased by 7 percent over the last 50 years — well outside the bounds of natural variability».
Increased precipitation intensity and variability are projected to increase the risks of flooding and drought in many areas.
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