Sentences with phrase «precipitation regimes»

Moreover, if one only looks at the Lake Victoria level since 1880 one gets the mistaken impression that the high precipitation regime in 1880 was somehow «normal» and that the subsequent shift to drier conditions puts the glacier in a much drier environment than it had previously encountered.
Diurnal variability is an important yet poorly understood aspect of the warm - season precipitation regime over southwestern North America.
Pettersen C., R. Bennartz, A. J. Merrelli, M. D. Shupe, D. D. Turner and V. P. Walden (April 2018): Precipitation regimes over central Greenland inferred from 5 years of ICECAPS observations.
Widening of the tropics would also probably be associated with poleward movement of major extratropical climate zones due to changes in the position of jet streams, storm tracks, mean position of high and low pressure systems, and associated precipitation regimes.
It appears that these cyclones have significant impacts on the summer precipitation regime not only along the Arctic coast, but also over the central Arctic Ocean, which is where many of the lows migrate into and decay.
It is true that CDR might well be better at this remedial task — by reducing GHG concentrations it not only reduces temperatures, but also ocean acidification, and better restores pre-existing precipitation regimes.
changes in soil moisture due to shifting precipitation regimes and evapotranspiration rates, which changes infiltration and runoff ratios;
In addition to providing a considerable fraction of the annual total amount, winter precipitation tends to remain in the «terrestrial» hydrological cycle (i.e., part of stream flow) much longer than the summer fraction [17], making the cool - season precipitation regime particularly important for natural processes and human consumption.
We analyzed months November through February to represent ENSO influence on the regional precipitation regime.
«Precipitation regimes on Earth vary greatly,» said Swain.
Changes in precipitation regimes and extreme events can cause ecosystem transitions, increase transport of nutrients and pollutants to downstream ecosystems, and overwhelm the ability of natural systems to mitigate harm to people from these events.
Scientists have developed decision support tools to help managers understand the likelihood that precipitation regimes will shift from wet to dry conditions or vice-versa [65], [66].
Open water space between the forest - covered islands can only slightly weaken the biotic pump of the Indonesian forests that likely determine the precipitation regime in the adjacent oceanic regions.
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