Sentences with phrase «precise answer»

The format of this year's survey allowed respondents to give more precise answers, fostering more accurate reporting.
Asking those questions is often more important than coming up with precise answers.
It emphasized the need for basic - skills instruction and the importance of precise answers, instead of estimated ones, especially in the lower grades.
These are just some of the questions that will help you get to a pretty precise answer how often you'll be using the stroller.
This way, you will be able to provide your boss with a clear and precise answer about the ROI.
In order to get the most precise answers to this parenting style quiz, I recommend that you follow the following guidelines when choosing your answer.
The more precise answer is, it depends on which software you're using, with what ages, and in what circumstances.
For example, what if I could provide you with precise answers to each; what then?
It's what I'd consider a number of precise answer.
In a conference call, Stanley Crooke of Isis said that ««A little while» is as precise an answer as I'm comfortable giving today».
There was a frock - coated and stiff - collared minister standing before a group of starched and uncomfortable boys, he asking questions to which they were to give precise answers — such as, «Who made you?
The problem with asking people to name themselves, however, is that so many of them don't provide very precise answers («just Christian,» for example).
Since then evidence from Hubble (the telescope) and other research projects has established a reasonably precise answer for the Hubble constant: 73, in the units commonly used for this purpose.
Neither the words of Jesus nor the voice of the Holy Spirit will give us any rule of thumb, any automatic or legalistically precise answers.
«But precisely timed occultations like these have the potential to provide incredibly precise answers
Discounted cash flow models are extremely sensitive to a multitude of assumptions, and there are plenty of those, thus expecting precise answers from the model is impractical.
Compiling FAQs posed by prospects, and giving precise answers to them in microlearning modules will help create teachable moments for your sales force.
To interpret their results, however, it is necessary to have a very precise answer the question «How much radiation does one molecule of CO2 absorb?»
«This is a unique experiment,» he adds, and may yield a more precise answer than LAGEOS.
These are not empirical or quantitative questions with precise answers, but Indie Fund members use their many collective years of game making (and game playing!)
These programs may give very precise answers, but that doesn't make those precise answers accurate — or even particularly useful.
About all of these science has no precise answers and no complete descriptions.
A precise answer to the question «what is Christianity?»
I wish I could give you a precise answer, Maria, but unfortunately, I don't think there really is a one size fits all answer to this question, especially if / when dealing with baking.
While it is difficult to give a precise answer to this question, for obvious reasons, I would nevertheless say that the momentum and scale of the manifestations would have most likely been lost.
Weight: If you want to know the best framing hammer weight and want a precise answer, a 28 oz framing hammer is perfect.
The Bayesian inference process allows the estimates of each parameter to be updated based on each new measurement, gradually refining the estimates and homing in ever closer to the precise answer, he says.
«We don't know the precise answer.
«We have some preliminary findings about the various materials, but it will take days before we tighten down the precise answers to our questions.
There's yet to be a precise answer, but here are some of the ideas about their extinction that were once suggested.
With the hope of clearing some of the confusion surrounding it, in this article we'll dig in deeper into the importance and usefulness of this popular grip variation and provide some precise answers to your most troubling questions.
Although there are a lot of people who are able to beat the average groups, we don't have any access to valuable information that can give off the precise answer.
The wardrobe heroes differs depending on the person's wardrobe so I can't give you a precise answer.
The Linguistic Society of America has a more precise answer.
When you are asked about these questions, you should provide a clear and precise answer.
Frankly, if a fifth grader in a classroom discussion interpreted the phrase to mean they would be able to think about each other I wouldn't think to push for a more precise answer.
His wife, Barbara Williams, a teacher at Hope Elementary School and a laptop teacher leader, no longer has to «ballpark it» or delay getting a precise answer to a student question.
When dealing with data and numbers, students should be able to come up with a precise answer whenever it is required.
However, you'll drive yourself nuts if you try to get a precise answer to this.
Of course, no one knows the precise answers to these questions because you don't know what life — or the markets — will bring.
There is no precise answer as far as how much to feed a dog, - because caloric needs vary with size (a Chihuahua doesn't chow down like a - Mastiff), age, and activity level.
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