Sentences with phrase «precise measure»

With a normal distribution of performance (the classic bell curve), a standard deviation is simply a more precise measure of how spread out the distribution is.
As with years of data, the more teachers there are, the more precise the measure of the average effect is.
I would be interested in a more precise measure for the bananas.
Typically, a very precise measured survey is required to establish the factual position of features which currently exist.
However, statewide averages are not precise measures of premium rates on personal car insurance.
Customers who can not order in person are mailed precise measuring instructions.
Just remember, the most important part of the job is precise measuring before cutting the steering column shaft.
The square footage is a more precise measure (one square meter is approximately 11 square feet).
In this month's Scientific American article «Gravitational - Wave Detectors Get Ready to Hunt for the Big Bang,» Ross Andersen writes about an audacious plan to use exquisitely precise measuring tools called atom interferometers to map out what the universe looked like when it was just a trillionth of a second old.
It is a whole philosophy that is based on training a baby to sleep but requires precise measuring of food; someone who pumps and bottle feeds can do it.
Using these direct electrical recordings, the team was able to test the level of high frequency neuronal activity (a marker of neurons firing) in this region, a very precise measure which captures activity tied to cognition processes lasting mere hundreds of milliseconds.
But most of those reviews seem to have avoided making precise measure...
Legal experts, speaking on a not - for - attribution basis because precise measures have not been announced, said one possibility is the government might change the Competition Act to say that «abuse of a dominant position» would include «exploitative pricing» or, in effect, charging too much.
The new US administration and some political leaders in other jurisdictions have espoused policies that are inward looking, although precise measures remain to be determined.
Baking is definitely a science with precise measuring (and sifting!)
Now, with more than 150,000 quasars, we've made extremely precise measures of BAO.»
The discovery promises not only a better understanding of the mechanics of the solar system, but also a more precise measuring stick for geologic time.
You can also find precise measuring instructions for this crate on the Midwest Homes For Pets website.
First, this is possible because helioseismic data provide the most precise measure ever of the solar cycle, which ultimately yields more profound physical limits on past irradiance variations.
The general approach used by The Times and the Colorado researchers, known as «value added,» yields estimates, not precise measures.
Developing more precise measures for assessing child maltreatment, using professional staff whose credentials are consistent with program goals, intervening prenatally with at - risk populations, and carrying out the programs with fidelity to their theoretical models will make it possible to evaluate home - visiting programs more adequately so that their promise can be fully realized.
Some DIY beauty recipes (especially homemade soap) require precise measuring and handling harsh chemicals such as lye, so they aren't a great to do with children around.
The reflected sample beam is recombined with the locally circulated light, and the difference in phase between the two beams — the relative alignment of the troughs and crests of their electromagnetic waves — yields a very precise measure of the distance the sample beam has traveled.
Value - added measures of improvement are more precise measures for groups of teachers than they are for individual teachers, thus they may provide useful information on improvement associated with practices, programs or schools.
«But in the last five or ten years we've really had an amazing ability to start looking at biochemistry and much more precise measures of brain function.»
This white hot pain, naturally, is basically nothing but a precise measure of the forces which hold this body together.
It is a precise measure of the force which has made my existence possible.
The «quilting» in the first step allows the use of various sized pieces of fabrics, so there's no precise measuring (love that).
After what I thought was precise measuring, careful pleating and focused pattern - following, the initial try - on revealed that the skirt fit just one of my legs.
«Since the invention of the telephone, counting the number of face - to - face meetings has been a less - than - precise measure of anything.»
But a later study reported that body temperature can be off by as much as 5 hours from circadian phase, so Wright and Czeisler tracked levels of the nighttime hormone melatonin, thought to be a more precise measure.
Donald Plewes, a physicist who works on medical imaging at the University of Toronto in Canada, says the technique gives a precise measure of stiffness that does not depend on the surgeon's subjective opinion.
The authors caution that more precise measures of when, why and how e-cigarette use was initiated and how it is continuing are needed, and that such questions as well as longitudinal cohort studies may help researchers and policymakers better understand issues such as dual use, exclusive e-cigarette use and e-cigarette use as a potential cessation aid.
«We've shown that the micropillar technique can be used to give us precise measures of C - S - H compressive strength in these different type of mixtures.
Other studies that have more carefully analyzed Ebola viral loads have found that at least four different levels correlate with different mortality rates, which suggests the supposed benefit of favipiravir seen might disappear if more precise measures were compared.
Sound waves propagating through the Universe only 400,000 years after the Big Bang now offer some of our most - precise measures of the composition and history of the Universe.
«For each and every one of our million galaxies,» Cuesta says, «we will replace its estimated distance with a very precise measure.
Precise measures of CDV - induced mortality in tigers do not exist.
Measurements are still coming in, and a more precise measure of the energy may be available later.
Due to the shape of the trapezius muscle a more precise measure is to describe cross-sectional area of the muscle by region or by the origin of the fascicle.
With practice, precise measuring, and some basic principles, you can crack the coconut flour code.
It is a precise measure, so it can help you judge how effective your program is.
The new report did not capture a precise measure on what proportion of tests were required by teacher evaluation, but it does point out that many states have put in place new assessments «to satisfy state regulations and laws for teacher and principal evaluation driven by and approved by U.S. Department of Education policies.»
The culmination of these changes have had a significant impact on Florida's accountability system and today many Floridians lack confidence in the assessments and school grades as a precise measure of a school's performance,» the superintendents» association notes in a legislative briefing.
«It is tempting, as soon as something is quantified, to assume it to be a more precise measure than it can ever really be.
Schools and districts in these Common Core member states have been promised next - generation assessments that will replace current No Child Left Behind (NCLB)-- mandated annual tests and provide more precise measures and timely results of each student's content mastery and comprehension.
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