Sentences with phrase «precise nature»

But unlike in the Battle of Britain, no one can go out to count the reserves because they lie far underground in geological traps whose precise nature can only be estimated.
But it also brings a rock - star soundtrack and such an angry demeanor that sets it apart from the M5's tidier, more precise nature.
The critical factor in achieving high energy efficiency was the atomically precise nature of the carbon nanotubes:
As with Ligon's thick pedimenti of oil stick, Johns» thick strokes of encaustic and oil both employ and subvert the conventional and precise nature of his chosen forms.
The precise nature and rights of an investor as the beneficial owner of the securities under the current quota system is not well defined.
Word - of - mouth - equity analysis can detail the precise nature of a category's influentials and pinpoint the highest - impact messages, contexts, and networks.
The precise nature of the criminal investigation on Cohen is not entirely clear, but it began following a referral from the Special Counsel Robert Mueller who is investigating potential collusion between Russian nationals and the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.
The precise nature of those sources is included in the Schiff memo, but it's redacted in the public copy, to the point where it's not even clear which specific Steele claims have been vindicated.
While various disputes occurred among the rabbis about the precise nature of these laws, and even whether they are more or less than seven in number, in every version of them the prohibition of idolatry for gentiles is prominently featured.
As to the precise nature of the soul, the Qur» an says nothing.
«But when we ask him whether this series of forms represents a series really developed in time he seems uncertain of his answer; and if we go on to ask the precise nature of the connection between one form and the next, he has no answer to give except to insist that in general all such connections are formed by the creative process which is the world itself.»
The precise nature of the link, however, is far from obvious.
In an article which appeared some time ago Frank M. Doan sought to determine the precise nature of Whitehead's revised metaphysical language and to appraise its effectiveness both as a mode of explanation and as a vehicle of philosophic imagination.
An interesting, albeit unanswerable, question has been the precise nature of their relationship.
Whatever its precise nature may have been, it provided the impetus for the movement that became the Christian Church.
The resurrection of a dead person — whatever its precise nature — could be seen as a miraculous act of God.
Thomas Aquinas's careful distinctions can help clarify the precise nature of recent moral changes.
To gain a clearer idea of the precise nature of this vast biological movement, is it not enough for us simply to open our eyes (are we not already beginning to do so?)
It is true that we do not know the precise date of the Gospels or the precise nature of their sources.
The biblical writers knew, as we may know, that it is the gift of God and that we can be safe in the Father's hands regardless of its precise nature.
God influences every moment of becoming but finally decides the precise nature of no moment of becoming.
In fact, Dante is not at all interested in placing persons (or as he would see them, ex-persons) in their proper places in the afterlife, nor is he interested in speculating on the precise nature of the sufferings of the damned: he is, rather, interested in exploring the nature of sin.
The precise nature of the injury is not known at this stage early reports are that it will -LSB-...]
The precise nature of the injury is still not known but the national -LSB-...]
David Cameron «fooled» the Conservative party over the precise nature of the boundary changes agreement, a Liberal Democrat peer has claimed.
Jeremy Corbyn, to his credit, struck some decent blows in his response, and asked particularly good questions about the precise nature of «full regulatory alignment».
This would seem to preempt your questions by answering the precise nature of the values espoused and defer arguments about the best means for advancing these values.
«What this implies is that the brain produces molecular signals that instruct the skeleton to form around it, although we understand relatively little about the precise nature of that patterning.»
«There will be some subtle differences reflecting the precise nature of amino acids, but we know that they're functionally and structurally the same.»
The precise nature of the agents causing this group of diseases is a matter of intense debate but all are infectious (New Scientist, 29 January, p 32 and 15 May 1986, p41).
Yet the precise nature of dynamic friction remains one of the biggest unknowns in earthquake science.»
For the moment, the precise nature of Fido's family tree remains somewhat shrouded in mystery.
Charges of injurious conduct shall not be entertained against a Members unless the precise nature of the charges be submitted in writing to the president of the Association by not fewer than two Members.
However, the precise nature of the protein produced by the gene remains something of a mystery.
The precise nature of the crystal structure enabled the researchers to pinpoint the material's properties in full for the first time.
The precise nature of that special something is still unclear.
The precise nature of these parental influences is still obscure, however.
Peter Jacobs, head of the experimental group at Berkeley Lab that carried out the first jet and flow measurements with the STAR Collaboration at RHIC, says the new result is «very valuable as a window into the precise nature of the quark gluon plasma.
Beddhu said that, from the data obtained in the study, he could not discern the precise nature or duration of this light activity, but he surmised that it could be attained merely by getting up to move around a few minutes every hour.
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