Sentences with phrase «precise predictions»

A doctor can not give precise predictions of how long it will take for a disease to kill his or her patient.
In this world, it is difficult to make precise predictions about where the jobs and growth in our economy are going to come from in the future.
It's effective because it removes the need to make precise predictions about the future.
First, it fails to give precise predictions for the outcomes of individual processes.
A theory is valued if it accurately accounts for known observations and yields precise predictions of future measurements.
But just how much increase, or the exact year in which it will occur, usually involves guessing on enough variables to make precise predictions impossible.
First, overly precise predictions got the authors of the 2007 report into trouble.
This would enable us to make more precise predictions as to which target groups of parents and their children might benefit from mindful parenting and how to best tailor them to suit participants» needs.
A scientist usually has some training in several related fields and some familiarity with their exemplars; his criteria are not dependent on one tradition alone.30 As outlined earlier, the most important criteria are simplicity, coherence, and the extent and variety of supporting experimental evidence (including precise predictions and the anticipation of the discovery of novel types of phenomena).
It is an ever - unfolding mystery that defies precise prediction.
By the time the 2004 magnitude - 6.0 Parkfield earthquake — the most closely monitored quake of all time — struck the central San Andreas fault without so much as a hint of a precursor (Science, 8 October 2004, p. 206), most researchers had abandoned attempts at precise prediction.
A joint study between scientists at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm has now allowed the development of a much simpler method that permits equally precise predictions and can be done on a standard PC.
For now, though, superstring theory lacks the sort of dramatic demonstration that propels radical theories into prominence, such as Einstein's famous precise prediction of how much starlight would be deflected when passing by the sun as measured during a solar eclipse.
This supported the claim that has stood since 2005 — that readers can make such precise predictions as the first sound of upcoming words.
While quantum chemical calculations in principle enable extremely precise prediction of infrared spectra, their applicability in practice is made difficult by the high computational effort associated with them.
In the past few years, physicists studying metastasis have generated surprisingly precise predictions of cell behavior.
Decades of detailed observations allow geologists to make fairly precise predictions about Mount St. Helens: a specific pattern of earthquakes, for example, means that new lava will erupt within two weeks.
(Or if they are well - understood, we can't really know they're well - understood, since so few precise predictions can be made and verified in a convincing way in less than a few decades.)
«Our strategy can be expected to improve therapeutic chances substantially in the future, because this route makes it possible for us to make very precise predictions for the custom - tailored treatment of patients,» says Professor Scheffler.
Only by gaining a better understanding of the process will we be able to make precise predictions about the changes regarding this delicate mass balance problem.»
The need for precise predictions of how much power will be fed into the grid at any given moment is becoming increasingly important.
If instead of attempting to make precise predictions for CET based on some kind of very detailed technical analysis, could we accurately state that the future tops of the CET peaks will follow the previous tops of the CET peaks, generally upward; and that the future bottoms of the CET troughs will follow the previous bottoms of the troughs, also generally upward — without attempting to predict any specific periodicity inside the overall upward CET trend pattern?
But instead of these precise predictions, the question of whether or not these import duties will stimulate American manufacturing and bring back the cell and module sector has been largely dismissed out of hand.
The other best example in the Bible of very precise predictions is in Daniel.
(The other example in the Bible of very precise predictions is in Daniel.
«Borussia Dortmund will not be able to make a precise prediction about his possible downtime and we wish our «cup winner» a speedy recovery.»
«Even if one had precise predictions of future meteorology, that would not mean one had precise predictions of droughts and floods,» says Mike Hulme of King's College London.
The paper's precise predictions were treated with some skepticism by other researchers, who said the authors were overconfident in predicting the terrorist's hidey hole down to specific buildings.
Precise predictions a wait better knowledge of how quakes are triggered
The discovery of such isotopes helps to fine - tune current models of the atomic nucleus, especially because the extreme nature of the doubly magic nuclei allow theorists to make more precise predictions than for other nuclei, says Blank.
Using other lensed galaxies within the cluster and combining them with the discovery of the Einstein Cross event in 2014, astronomers were able to make precise predictions for the reappearance of the supernova.
Because an Earthquake is in essence just a microquake that extends a few orders of magnitude larger than usual, and microquakes happen all the time, precise prediction will probably never be possible.
The more precise our predictions, and the further ahead of the actual exam, the less accuracy utility they will have
It's possible in the case of this technology, unlike the other four the Institute analyzed, to establish a somewhat more precise prediction of the safety benefit than the maximum number of relevant crashes.
But while you can't make precise predictions, most people live on far less income in retirement than they earned in their peak working years.
However, EMH theorists counter that while EMH makes a precise prediction about a market based upon the data, BF usually does not go beyond saying that EMH is wrong.
As such, he is able to make more precise predictions than we can with the Stock Returns Predictor, but only as a result of making more assumptions.
I don't want to make any precise predictions about the future, but if things just stay on the same trajectory as 2013 then we can look forward to lots more great indie games.
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