Sentences with phrase «precise quantities of»

REALLY??? Am I meant to keep track of the precise quantities of every item of food or drink in the entire house?
The secret ingredient is a crushed - up beef bouillon cube, which contains the precise quantity of salt and natural flavors, plus autolyzed yeast extract — a flavor enhancer — to mirror the original blend.
The scoop is intended to aid you measure out the precise quantity of powder to remove errors.
The precise quantity of food to give your dog each day is determined by your own Dachshund.

Not exact matches

The corner of Fifth and 49th is the precise intersection where high fashion meets fast fashion, where quality meets quantity, where shopping worlds collide.
I apologize that the quantity of ingredients is not more precise, this is definitely one of those recipes that is easier to eyeball than to measure.
The Auger prevents product getting stuck in sealing elements and can process bespoke orders according to a customer's precise request of a specific, weighted quantity.
The San Francisco Cooking School prefers to measure quantities in grams, because it is a precise system of measurement for bakers.
As time goes by, the frequency and quantity of feedings determine your milk supply in a more precise way and your body starts to only make the amount of milk your baby actually needs.
The quantity of ctDNA, as well as the emergence of specific gene mutations, could be used in the future to steer therapy in a more precise manner.
The Number Sense games, including a snazzy - looking iPhone version of Numberbonds, are intended to nurture the abilities that, Butterworth contends, are the root of numerical cognition and the core deficit of dyscalculia — manipulating precise quantities.
Nevertheless, nature allows a barter trade: If the particle has been appropriately prepared, then one of the quantities can be measured a little more exactly if one is willing to accept a less precise knowledge of the other quantity.
The Cambridge researchers argue that future studies need to take account of the quantities of total starch, resistant starch, and nonstarch polysaccharides in the diet, by collecting precise details of the food consumed.
Until now they have been difficult to make, particularly in large quantities, because they require precise ratios of raw materials containing metals such as bismuth, strontium and copper oxides to be ground together, before being heated to high temperatures to produce batches of about 10 grams of superconductor.
Besides his smokescreen about «evenly distributed errors» (a phrase in which he has inadvertently provided us with an apt characterization of his whole book), Lomborgs further defense of his having presented an impossibly precise 43 percent value for a completely imprecise quantity is that he found it in somebody elses book: «Moreover, the 43 percent is actually described right off one of the best - selling college environment books by professor Miller is Holdren also claiming that he is wrong?»
«It was a challenge to extract this genetic material in significant quantities and sufficient quality from the mummified tissue samples, and to measure and quantify it with the newest, very precise methods,» reports Stephanie Kreis, who isolated the microRNAs at the University of Luxembourg.
THE MANAGER»S POINT OF VIEW From a catering manager or Local Authority point of view the benefits are numerous; stock management becomes much more precise as the detail and quantity of what is being eaten every day is displayed onlinOF VIEW From a catering manager or Local Authority point of view the benefits are numerous; stock management becomes much more precise as the detail and quantity of what is being eaten every day is displayed onlinof view the benefits are numerous; stock management becomes much more precise as the detail and quantity of what is being eaten every day is displayed onlinof what is being eaten every day is displayed online.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) statistical data GAO analyzed may not provide a precise estimate of the number of taxpayers or other quantities when the number of taxpayers in a particular reporting group is very small.
As is clear from a reading of his papers, Miskolczi's infra - red optical depth is no more than a quantity calculated from radiosonde data through the use of a precise and well - constructed radiative transfer algorithm.
King penguins have adapted to a precise habitat range: they favour a scatter of islands in the Southern Ocean, away from the sea ice but close to an oceanic upwelling called the Antarctic Polar Front, which concentrates colossal quantities of fish into a small area.
Similarly to weather forecasting, efforts can be made to setup a model to match initial conditions at a certain point in time but they are likely to break down pretty quickly because we lack the quantity and quality of data to be precise enough in the setup (and possibly because the chosen model does not accurately produce variability similar to that observed on Earth).
A lot of the other quantities being bandied about are less precise.
But given that carbon dioxide levels were now substantially higher than anything in the past two millions of years, in either glacials or interglacials, it had become abundantly clear that the greenhouse effect was something we needed to take extremely seriously: even if the precise future increase in temperature was still an unknown quantity, with a fairly wide error - range, models indicated that for a doubling of carbon dioxide from pre-industrial levels, a rise of three degrees celsius as a global average was the most likely outcome.
But now, to make sense of the precise link between greenhouse gases and climate change, researchers must first understand in much greater detail how the oceans and the land absorb atmospheric carbon, and in what quantities.
The enclosed resume will give you more precise details of my ability to unload trucks, store stock, verify quantities, fill orders and label goods.
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