Sentences with phrase «precise terms of»

The Landlord, despite handing over occupation rights and duties of each party, then despite the fact that the written lease is rendered inoperable by the unfulfilled suspensive condition, it is also clearly an exact recording of the precise terms of the parties agreement, signed by both parties or not.
The precise terms of this arrangement, for example whether the property is held on trust, whether the occupying parent will contribute financially to the purchase or running costs of the property, whether the property will become the children's rather than reverting to the paying parent, can be the subject of negotiation or order by the court.
In this decision the Court was painting with a broad brush when it considered the scope and content of the duty to consult and accommodate and had very little to say about how this related to the precise terms of the Nunavut treaty.
For example, PAG's primary witnesses at the relevant time understood LIBOR to simply be a «commercial rate of interest» rather than in the precise terms of the BBA definition.
It seems likely that the courts will interpret the decision in Van Staden as being one of strict construction of the precise terms of the lease in question and particularly the definition of the term.
Following the meeting in the park the court hearing was vacated to allow the parties to agree the precise terms of the agreement.
In some cases however, particularly in domestic building works, there is no or very little contract documentation and it will then be for the Court to decide what the precise terms of the contract are.
If so, have they all noticed the precise terms of the letter as have the Swedes?
In that case I think paying down a mortgage certainly is an investment; one with a well - defined interest rate and maturity that depends on the precise terms of the mortgage.
Yet the timing appears to be a response to the ruling last month by the Information Commissioner, Christopher Graham, that the Cabinet Office should release the precise terms of the 2000 agreement on the granting of the peerage.
But they do say this, and I quote them directly: «a vote to leave in the forthcoming referendum could usher in an extended period of uncertainty regarding the precise terms of the UK's future relationship with the EU.
The budget agreement can stipulate a forum where legislators, local officials and the public can participate in discussion of the precise terms of the plan.
Malliotakis expressed general support for a replacement of the Affordable Care Act while emphasizing the importance of considering the precise terms of any proposed legislation.
Most members of the public are probably unaware of the precise terms of this so - called «new settlement», and are unlikely to be able to make an informed judgement about its merits.
Now, I'm not familiar with the PRECISE terms of Sagna's contract w / Arsenal, but I'm guessing that making statements in the press that contradict the club's official position is generally frowned upon.
Doesn't the public, now on the hook for up to $ 30 billion, have a right to know how the precise terms of the deal and who negotiated it?

Not exact matches

In terms of design, from the precise way everything was packaged, to the look and feel of these headphones, there is no doubt that a lot of thought was put into making them both functional and aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
The bank, though, may avoid giving a precise long - term target and simply announce monthly purchase goals of $ 50 billion or so, similar to the strategy used by the Fed.
While it is impossible to be precise about the magnitude or the timing of near - term movements in commodity prices, this assumption seems reasonable on the grounds that industrialisation and urbanisation in China still has some way to run.
As a result we can deliver funding faster with a more precise focus on need along with terms that reflect the nature of these commercial loans.
In a 1989 interview published in the same issue of the Hastings Center Report in which Kass's tribute appears, Jonas said that his purpose was to examine «in precise philosophical and metaphysical terms the ultimate bases of morality and human destiny.»
He wants to argue that mercy is not just important in the Bible's story of our salvation, where God is sometimes described anthropomorphically or in poetic language, but that in precise theological terms mercy is the highest perfection of God.
We need not pause to be precise about the terms «authoritative» and «society,» since these serve in Easton's definition to distinguish political from other kinds of human interaction.
Finally, I'm uncomfortable with your use of the term «chaos theory», but that's because it has a precise mathematical meaning in my household.
Like those religious fellowships of Liberia and Sierra Leone, the north Georgia congregations conveyed their culture (later he used the more precise term «subculture») by means of distinct idioms, symbolic dialects constructed both to express and to maintain group identity.
«Blood Moons, Blue Moons, Harvest Moons» all terms that originated without a precise understanding of the anstronomical orbits of the earth and moon.
In other terms, the question is one regarding the precise parameters of the sameness and otherness of God and the created (or emanated) world.
Aristotle works out in precise, technical terms the relationships I have just roughly sketched, and does it in terms of two careful definitions which he has already provided in Chapter 2.
Androgynous and gynandrous have precise meanings with neither term being the obverse of the other.
We present it here not because it is mathematically precise, but because it addresses in simple terms the mathematics of An Introduction to Mathematics, which as we have said is that kind of mathematics contained in contemporary college calculus courses.
The student of mathematics is taught to be precise in his use of terms and rigorous in his arguments, avoiding the vagueness and ambiguity that play so large a part in ordinary speech, and shunning the intuitive leaps and tacit assumptions that figure so prominently in everyday reasoning.
So maybe if we want to communicate the message of Jesus we have to get away from archaic terms like gospel which have become traditional» buzz words «or theological jargon devoid of precise meaning and make anew the original intent which was about an announcement of the coming of God's Kingdom and all that that implies.
49 Both text and interpreter have been called into question in terms of the answer they have given to the questionableness of existence, which has been given precise form by the text and by our interest in the text.
Thus it was quite appropriate for Whitehead to redefine the distinguishing characteristic of durations in terms of causality, or to be more precise, the lack of it.
However, nowhere in The Principles of Natural Knowledge does one find a precise definition of simultaneity in terms of spatial relations.
Yet it remains a misleading phrase to those who, lacking a technically precise knowledge of Whitehead's vocabulary, understand the term «mental pole» by analogy to the ordinary meaning of «mental.»
According to Hartshorne, no amount of explanation in terms of efficient causality can account for the precise eventual character of a new creative synthesis; such historical explanations are valuable only in explaining the general outline and predictability of the future and the necessity of each new feeling having had its own specific causal
«I have proclaimed the emptiness of definitions for thirty years,» he said, «and I have refuted the superstition that if we want to be precise we have to define our terms» (p. 11).
Some use of subjective terms may be warranted in describing the behavior of human beings and perhaps of higher animals to avoid ponderous circumlocutions, but should be avoided in attempts at the most precise formulations.
Suggesting that the Incarnation takes place in the pause is in harmony with the logic of the prayer when considered in precise poetic, and more general theological and scriptural, terms.
When I need to be more precise, I use the term «transcendent» or «minimal transcendent» to refer to the set of relatively transcendent realities and challenges.
The precise meaning of the Kingdom is still being investigated by biblical scholars, but we can confidently say that its significance is at least partially grasped in terms of two other prominent biblical themes: justice and liberation.
This either a redundant or an extremely precise term, depending on your point of view.
This is either a redundant or an extremely precise term, depending on your point of view.
«We don't just look at total soil organic carbon, but also the components of soil that have stable pools of carbon — humic substances, which gives us a much more accurate and precise view of the stable, long - term storage of carbon in the soils.»
With regard to its whisky bottles, Diageo already had a very precise idea in mind, which - in terms of implementation on IS machines - proved to be rather problematic.
The term 7 - footer is itself a kind of outer limit, a far - off threshold beyond which precise measurement seems superfluous.
In tactical terms, the precise task that Roma has in front of itself is obviously to look for ways to cancel out Barcelona's attacking game.
Ozil got underway in terms of assists with a precise cross to set up Olivier Giroud, who opened the scoring at Selhurst Park.
What should determine your baby's schedule is her precise needs in terms of when to sleep, how much to sleep and how many times a day.
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