Sentences with phrase «precise time period»

If it is important for the agreement to specify precise time periods, the parties should ensure a specific time and day are agreed and contained in the final version of the contract.
Survey - based benchmarks can not provide measurements for such precise time periods since they don't capture data about how much vendors were charging on particular dates.
We can not delimit the precise time period Bennett was paid by DASNY, but it appears likely to have overlapped with his term with Fuller Road and Fort Schuyler.
Such bogs form slowly over thousands of years, with each new layer being deposited on top of the previous, trapping the chemical, and organic signature of that precise time period within it.
After you set a precise time period for your diet, you need to start planning the meals in your diet regimen.
There seemed to be some discussion between Monckton and another man on the precise time periods relating to the carbon cycle, hence the different figures.
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