Sentences with phrase «preconceived ideas as»

This is understandable as the subject of counseling is fraught with misconceptions, prejudices and preconceived ideas as well as some unwelcome stigmas attached to those who go for couples counseling.
I thought it would be a great opportunity to meet the girls, see what they are all about, and dispel the rumours and preconceived ideas as I went in with a very open mind and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised.
It is the fusion of these three elements in his representation of Jesus» life and teaching that makes it a matter of the greatest difficulty to distinguish in any particular discourse between what rests upon a deep understanding of the true meaning of Jesus» actual words and what is read into them in the light both of experience and of preconceived ideas as what the Word of God should fittingly proclaim.

Not exact matches

@Luke: Admire the intention, but I reserve some skepticism, at least for now, on whether # 1 and # 2 can really be done independently of the already present spoken and unspoken expectations in the congregation, denomination and religion, as well as people's preconceived ideas of what church is (as opposed to what it would or should be).
It aims at interpreting religious ideas, acts, and institutions «as they present themselves,» giving due consideration of their «intention» and apart from any preconceived philosophical, theological, metaphysical, or psychological theory.
Here we can not go into the analyses of each of these trends or the adequacy of Ferré's interpretation of the recent trends in American theology, except to say that theologians of different persuasions, with the possible exception of the so - called liberals, while recognizing the usefulness of the history of religions, nevertheless agree with Professor Hendrik Kraemer in stating that only theology «is able to produce that attitude of freedom of the spirit and of impartial understanding, combined with a criticism and evaluation transcending all imprisonment in preconceived ideas and principles as ultimate standards of reference.»
Instead of starting with a preconceived idea of what a thing was, men started with such facts as they were able to discover by thorough investigation and then, on the basis of these facts, made a generalization or an hypothesis which seemed best and most adequately to explain the facts.
For the first time all preconceived ideas about the importance of location are pushed to one side as wines from across the world are judged by style and price exclusively.
With a ridiculous push by some to avoid c - section at all cost, and induction being almost as bad, I am continually surprised at the number of patients who decline this option... usually because of preconceived ideas that are inaccurate
Secondly, the preconceived idea that attributes the public education system as the key to children's happiness and success.
You are the ones with the problem not the baby as they have no preconceived ideas of what beauty is until society fills their head with rubbish.
It's not specific justifications, but rather preconceived ideas that ultimately decide whether people see climate protection as important and necessary.
But as you gradually experiment with paleo for a bit over dinner and lunch, those preconceived ideas start to melt away.
The present review also questions whether there are still some preconceived ideas about ketogenic diets, which may be presenting unnecessary barriers to their use as therapeutic tools in the physician's hand.
I love the fact that I'm breaking all my preconceived ideas and rules as I get older.
Mind games get on my last nerve, as do people who will not communicate, or have preconceived ideas about how a brother should talk, walk, or behave.
Lots of people come to dating with a preconceived idea about what qualifies as their «type» of partner, usually based on previous relationships they've had.
Try as he might, he can't change their preconceived ideas about extraterrestrials and so he is forced to hide when the planet's military commander, General Grawl (voice by Gary Oldman), and his army initiate a house - by - house search for the visitor.
Use learning partners as an opportunity to break down the preconceived ideas of what different professions look like.
The teacher candidates in this study were less familiar with VS compared to the traditional format of schooling that they had experienced as students, resulting in preconceived ideas about VS, ranging from what courses were not possible with VS to the traditional roles of a teacher.
As people, they carry preconceived ideas of how well a home has been maintained.
But many (or most) dogs will take to it quicker, and most puppies certainly will as they have no preconceived ideas, habits or emotions to overcome.
Can the artist challenge the preconceived ideas of gender, sensitivity and personality infused in its shades and use it as a way of dismantling the very assumptions that accompany it?
When British artists saw the first London exhibitions of American abstract painters such as Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko in the late Fifties, they were astonished by the improvisatory freedom of their works, in which paint appeared to have been hurled on to the canvas without any preconceived ideas, and by the sheer size of the paintings.
«I'm not going to be answering questions as much as challenging ideas and preconceived notions and just [letting] the audience interpret what they want to.
He challenges our preconceived ideas of two - dimensional imagery while also changing the way we think of three - dimensionality, utilizing everyday materials such as ceiling insulation and Formica in his creations.
An avid cook, as was her grandmother, Hammond sees parallels between shopping at the green market with no preconceived idea of what she'll make and her approach to art.
Inspired by Hayao Miyazaki, Albert Robida, Moebius, Wim Wenders, Federico Fellini and William Klein, Laurent questions diverse subjects, such as immigration, poverty, gypsies, cinema, architecture, politics, music, pop culture and history, and aims to tell a different story, against any preconceived ideas.
Starting with no external source material and no preconceived idea of the final result, Abts makes complex abstract compositions that ultimately take as their subject the process of their own creation.
About her process, Newman has said, «My paintings often take specific qualities of particular places as points of departure, but I try to approach the image without preconceived ideas and to discover forms through improvisation.»
Bridging Pop and Minimalist sensibilities, these prints, paintings and other works are quintessential examples of style as content: Katz intimates the familiar rather than describe it, and prods the viewer's perception past preconceived ideas.
A number of video artists, for instance, have challenged the preconceived idea of art as high - brow, high priced, and only appreciable by society's elite.
[Response: Dropping outliers just because they don't agree with your preconceived ideas is a classical error in statistics — it's much better to use the spread as a measure of the uncertainty.
Gavin, You wrote: - «Dropping outliers just because they don't agree with your preconceived ideas is a classical error in statistics — it's much better to use the spread as a measure of the uncertainty.
We grow more cynical as we grow older and have preconceived ideas about what's possible and what's not.
He had begun his film with a preconceived idea about the climate debate, as one divided into two camps — sceptics and deniers — disagreeing about a single proposition: «climate change is happening».
A British panel on Wednesday exonerated the scientists caught up in the controversy known as Climategate of charges that they had manipulated their research to support preconceived ideas about global warming.
Regarding land use run 1, Gavin at Real Climate says: «Dropping outliers just because they don't agree with your preconceived ideas is a classical error in statistics — it's much better to use the spread as a measure of the uncertainty»
In fact, the WGI report is built upon a process which, as revealed by the Climategate emails, is, by its very nature, designed not to produce an accurate view of the state of climate science, but instead to be an «assessment» of the state of climate science — an assessment largely driven by preconceived ideas of the IPCC design team and promulgated by various elite chapter authors.
When fiddling with stuff we don't understand I suggest it's worth using imagination and trying a few ideas then see what fits any evolving concepts but it's a strictly an individual process as we each have preconceived structures well established in our grey matter.
By taking a collaborative approach, and not having preconceived ideas about what should be done, we act as an integral part of our clients» team.
It also helps overcome the often incorrect preconceived ideas law firm owners and partners develop as to who their strongest performers are.
Instructions manuals are written with the idea in mind that the reader has absolutely no preconceived ideas about the task they are about to undertake, Most are simple yet detailed to the point that Einstein and I both can understand them and decipher them equally as well.
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