Sentences with phrase «predetermined payout»

Level term insurance is linked to an index and offers predetermined payout.
Binary options possess a predetermined payout and refund structure.
Nonetheless, if clients speculation is correct they will earn the predetermined payout that the company offers, if clients speculation is wrong they will lose their invested capital on this trade.
If your prediction is correct you will earn the predetermined payout if not you will lose your invested capital.
When the time is up, the investor either receives a predetermined payout or loses the entire amount.
For example, your pension benefit might be equal to one percent of your average salary for the last five years of employment, and then times your total years of service.1 Over the years, your employer makes contributions on your behalf and promises to make you regular, predetermined payouts every month when you retire.
Provided these premiums are paid in full and on time, your beneficiary will receive a predetermined payout from the insurance provider in the event you die during the term.
Binary options trading: Binary options trading is a form of trading in which traders expect to earn a predetermined payout or nothing at all (they are also called all - or - nothing options) based on the success of their «prediction» of the outcome of a specific market event.
Binary options trading is a form of trading in which traders expect to earn a predetermined payout or nothing at all (t
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