Sentences with phrase «predict catastrophe»

The climate isn't understood well enough to model it 100 years in the future and if the climate models don't predict catastrophe the scientists will become unemployed.
The best that can be said for the catastrophist side is that there is at least some evidence that future warming or changes in sea level or ocean chemistry could be catastrophic, even though this evidence is far from conclusive and is actively contradicting most models that predict catastrophe at present.
So, why do he alarmist predict catastrophe?
The world is loath to forgive scientists who predict a catastrophe that doesn't materialise.
We might think: Jehu takes the vengeance himself; Jesus only predicts a catastrophe.
Indeed, Ehrlich predicts catastrophe.
I'd just returned from a short trip, four days away on business, and I swear that Agustina was fine when I left, I swear nothing odd was going on, or at least nothing out of the ordinary, certainly nothing to suggest what would happen to her while I was gone, except for her own premonitions, of course, but how was I to believe her when Agustina is always predicting some catastrophe; I've tried everything to make her see reason, but she won't be swayed, insisting that ever since she was little she's had what she calls the gift of sight, or the ability to see the future, and God only knows the trouble that's caused us.
Throughout history, there has been a tendency to believe the world is ending based upon some predicted catastrophe.
IPCC style Climate Science predicts catastrophe in pretty short order unless we dislocate the economies of the industrialized world.
Like most doomsday forecasters, they have repeatedly had to admit that the predicted catastrophes have not happened on their doomsday schedule, but always reaffirm that their faulty predictions have only been postponed.
Since then, it has just been a matter of managing the Orwellian transition from one predicted catastrophe to another in such a way that no - one cracks a smile (po - faced acceptance of impending doom is a key attribute) when you appear to be dropping one and revving up the next.
Meanwhile, the long predicted catastrophes are no where in evidence; every year that passes is another where Mother Nature makes further mockery of past warmunist projections.

Not exact matches

I'm not predicting an economic catastrophe in Canada.
Co-brooders also tend to focus on all the potentially bad consequences of a particular problem, often predicting future catastrophe,» Quartz says, explaining Bastin's work.
Ask yourself how many of the catastrophes you've predicted in the past have actually happened.
I feel and I am convinced of one thing: that nothing is more dangerous for the future of the world, nothing moreover less warranted in Nature, than the affected resignation and false realism with which in these days a great number of people, hunching their shoulders and drawing in their heads, predict (and in so doing tend to provoke) a further catastrophe in the near future.
They predicted the Fall, or saw it in retrospect, as the judgment of God upon an unfaithful and sinful nation, but they understood the function of the catastrophe to be ultimately, like the Exodus event, positive and redemptive in character.
The sayings here have always been fertile ground for Christian groups predicting the end of the world after every historical catastrophe.
Robert Heilbroner has recently predicted such a collapse, largely as a result of ecological catastrophe.
Shadow chancellor Ed Balls told the Independent newspaper he felt 2012 will be «the most dangerous year in my life», predicting that the short - term attitude of European leaders risked a «massive catastrophe» on the continent.
«All our warnings fell on deaf ears and we predicted that a catastrophe like this was inevitable and just a matter of time»
«As it's not possible to always successfully predict volcanic events due to the lack of complete knowledge of the signals leading to catastrophes, these results are an important new finding and ultimately we hope they will contribute to our understanding of where and when the next volcanic eruption will be.»
He adds that isolating these signals from the ecosystem is not only useful for predicting environmental catastrophes, but they can also be used to determine which habitats are most likely to respond to conservation, and so allow ecologists to direct their efforts.
If I was to claim that I need huge amounts of revenue from you to avoid certain catastrophe from a future asteroid collision, and that my computer models now predict this collision to be much more likely than previously thought, would you give me the same benefit of the doubt?
H.G. Wells predicted that our future would be a race between education and catastrophe.
The property damage is calculated, the social and medical catastrophe is predicted, the increase of such disasters is mentioned.
This crowd - funded, DIY model of science research is important, because while climate models have done a good job of predicting what will occur as we heat up the climate, some things are changing so fast and to such a severe degree that research may need to be done as catastrophes are occurring in real - time.
And this all goes without saying that newer models «could» even predict the coming catastrophe to be 4 times worse than we now think.
(1) In this case even if they were correct and the models failed to predict or match reality (which, acc to this post has not been adequately established, bec we're still in overlapping data and model confidence intervals), it could just as well mean that AGW stands and the modelers have failed to include some less well understood or unquantifiable earth system variable into the models, or there are other unknowns within our weather / climate / earth systems, or some noise or choas or catastrophe (whose equation has not been found yet) thing.
«Christiana Figueres, a former United Nations climate chief, predicts that we have only three years left to «bend the [carbon] emissions curve downward» and mitigate a series of runaway global catastrophes
Now, that would be a real catastrophe, much worse than the ones that some of them routinely predict.
Stephen Hawking has gained a less than stellar reputation for predicting doomsday catastrophes multiple times.
And then the computer gamer, with a science degree, applies for another government grant to play computer games for another year to «study» the catastrophe he just predicted..
Industry's complaints must be regarded with the same healthy skepticism accorded those who predict environmental catastrophe in the absence of dramatic changes in energy use.
Even little Joey Jones is talking greenhouse gases — he learned at school that scientists are predicting a worldwide climate catastrophe that will change the rest of his life, unless we stop the worst effects by making big changes in the next ten years.
What kind of catastrophe can not be predicted, but numerous candidates have been discussed in this book: ecological collapses of various kinds, large - scale crop failures due to ecological stress or changes in climate and leading to mass famine; severe resource shortages, which could lead either to crop failures or to social problems or both; epidemic diseases; wars over diminishing resources; perhaps even thermonuclear war.»
Advocates of policies allegedly addressing global warming use models not to predict but rather to justify the claim that catastrophe is possible...
After all, the models, developed specifically to PREDICT future catastrophe actually do so.
If the Sierra Club picks this scenario, they will be famous for predicting the next man - made catastrophe.
Just yesterday, a peer reviewed paper was published which shows that the positive feedbacks that global warming theory depends on to predict a climate catastrophe, have been up until now vastly over stated.
NASA's climate experts are on record for predicting all sorts of climate catastrophes, including extreme warming of the world's «higher» latitudes (the world's polar / subpolar regions).
Hmmm... despite over 845 billion tons of human CO2 emissions being added to the biosphere since 1978, that predicted dangerous warming, and associated catastrophes, have yet to materialize.
«Thus far no one has seriously demonstrated any scientific proof that increased global temperatures would lead to the catastrophes predicted by alarmists.
The roots of environmentalism go back to the eighteenth century in the form of the overpopulation myth of Malthusianism, which was all about limiting the human population to prevent a predicted Malthusian Catastrophe, i.e. mass starvation, and for genetic purity, especially among supposedly genetically inferior groups e.g.... Continue reading Anti-humanism, Environmentalism and the Overpopulation Myth
A catastrophe like Hurricane Harvey was long predicted for Houston.
While doubters were ringing their hands, predicting doom and catastrophe, and advocating abandonment of using fossil fuels in favor of «renewable» sources, market prices for oil and gas increased several fold.
A «growing number of experts,» it said, were predicting widespread food shortages and other «demographic catastrophes... in the words of [British scientist and writer] C.P. Snow, we shall be watching people starve on television.»
Science: IPCC models climate without accounting for the known, dominant climate events of the past (e.g., the ice ages, the interglacial epochs, the Medieval Warm Period, the Little Ice Age, sudden changes in the slope of temperature instrument record), and predicting only an unverifiable catastrophe.
IPCC models, which don't even pretend to work in the long run of past epochs, nor in the short run of weather, are advertised to predict a looming, mid-term catastrophe.
The «doctored» results have been predicting a global climate catastrophe for many years.
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