Sentences with phrase «predicted by current models»

There might be value in a more generic piece focusing on this kind of tension, which is going to be with us for some time — the slow steady responses predicted by current models, the concern that some observations of faster and bigger changes might actually be the greenhouse gas - forced signal and not just internal variability, the patience required before new observations and better theories / models sort things out.
However, the observed amplification of rainfall extremes was found to be substantially larger in the observations than what is predicted by current models.
«Greenland is probably going to contribute more and faster to sea level rise than predicted by current models,» said Eric Rignot, a glaciologist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory who studied the glacial flow in a paper in Science last year.
The resulting outburst of methane produced effects similar to those predicted by current models of global climate change: a sudden, extreme rise in temperatures, combined with acidification of the oceans.

Not exact matches

They also analyzed data from a climate model developed by the Max - Planck Institute for Meteorology in Germany to predict what the correlation between the current and rainfall would be expected to be during the Little Ice Age.
«Our measurements of the bright spot suggest there are powerful shock waves in the star's atmosphere that reach higher temperatures than are predicted by current theoretical models for AGB stars,» says Theo Khouri, astronomer at Chalmers and member of the team.
This projection is unlike what has been predicted as a drying period by the majority of current climate models.
Current state - of - the - art climate models predict that increasing water vapor concentrations in warmer air will amplify the greenhouse effect created by anthropogenic greenhouse gases while maintaining nearly constant relative humidity.
Nevertheless, the results described here provide key evidence of the reliability of water vapor feedback predicted by current climate models in response to a global perturbation in the radiative energy balance.»
Just last month, a mathematical model of Ebola transmission published in PLoS Currents: Outbreaks predicted up to an 18 % likelihood that Ebola would rear its head in the United States by the end of September.
Education futurists have predicted the disintegration of the 19th - century model of American schooling for many years, but the barriers to that transformation have been limited by both the intransigence of the current system and a lack of imagination about what might replace it.
This model uses statistical calculations to predict the likelihood that the student's current growth trajectory will result in proficiency by a target date.
These tables give us indicators of how well the growth models are at predicting growth in current year student English / language arts (ELA) and mathematics (MATH) student scores by grade level and subject (i.e., the dependent variables).
Indeed, though the current pattern of winter U.S. warmth looks much more like the pattern predicted by climate models as a response to anthropogenic forcing (see Figure below left) than the typical «El Nino» pattern, neither can one attribute this warmth to anthropogenic forcing.
The empirical relationships developed by Cohen and colleagues do a far superior job than current dynamical models in predicting recent wintertime weather.
This suggests to me that he was getting the basics more or less right, which in turn emphasises the point that the best models and theory we have all predict and have consistently predicted the same thing: warming, and quite a bit of it by the end of this century if we keep dumping CO2 in the atmosphere at our current rates.
Kevin Hamilton, who co-authored the report, warns: «If our model results prove to be representative of the real global climate, then climate is actually more sensitive to perturbations by greenhouse gases than current global models predict, and even the highest warming predictions would underestimate the real change we could see.»
In fact, although climate models predict that Arctic sea ice will decline in response to greenhouse gas increases, the current pace of retreat at the end of the melt season is exceeding the models» forecasts by around a factor of 3 (Stroeve 2007).
This colorful and elegant species, formerly called Louisiana Heron, is common in marshes along much of the East Coast of the U.S. Audubon's climate model predicts a 54 percent loss of current summer range by 2080, with some potential expansion well into the interior, particularly in the Mississippi Valley, an area well known for hosting wandering Tricolored Herons in late summer.
Li, T., T. Hasegawa, X. Yin, Y. Zhu, K. Boote, M. Adam, S. Bregaglio, S. Buis, R. Confalonieri, T. Fumoto, D. Gaydon, M. Marcaida, III, H. Nakagawa, P. Oriol, A.C. Ruane, F. Ruget, B. Singh, U. Singh, L. Tang, F. Tao, P. Wilkens, H. Yoshida, Z. Zhang, and B. Bouman, 2015: Uncertainties in predicting rice yield by current crop models under a wide range of climatic conditions.
The report, by University of Alabama scientist Roy Spencer and published in the peer - reviewed journal Remote Sensing, argues that heat is actually escaping from Earth much more quickly than current climate models predicted.
My Reply - Even IF the climate model could predict the current statistics of the occurrence of ENSO, the NAO, the PDO, etc [which is proving quite a daunting challenge], this, by itself is not sufficient to justify their use to provide projection of CHANGES in the statistics of ENSO, the NAO, the PDO, etc events in the coming decades.
A significant and serious concern among mainstream climate scientists in this regard is the inability of the models to predict climate surprises, that is, rapid non-linear changes in the climate system that have happened in the historical climate record and that may be triggered by current human activities.
Since the only climate crisis is a predicted one, and the current models have no predictive skill (either theoretically, by the above argument, or demonstrated), there is no crisis and the current alarmism is bogus.
and of course «If the role of internal variability in the climate system is as large as this analysis would seem to suggest, warming over the 21st century may well be larger than that predicted by the current generation of models, given the propensity of those models to underestimate climate internal variability»
These activities can be grouped under the following areas: improve our knowledge of Earth's past and present climate variability and change; improve our understanding of natural and human forces of climate change; improve our capability to model and predict future conditions and impacts; assess the Nation's vulnerability to current and anticipated impacts of climate change; and improve the Nation's ability to respond to climate change by providing climate information and decision support tools that are useful to policy makers and the general public.»
Do these models also predict the current nine years of cooling or when the 2ppmv annual increase in CO2 concentrarion will once again cause catastropic global warming as predicted by the models in the IPCC 2001TAR which predicted the non existant warming from human sourced CO2 emissions over the past ten years that never happened?
But a growing body of scientific evidence suggests that the projections of climate change that have been made by the current family of computerized climate models has been overdone — that the world will warm up significantly less than has been predicted as a result of our ongoing carbon dioxide emissions.
«warming over the 21st century may well be larger than that predicted by the current generation of models»
If the role of internal variability in the climate system is as large as this analysis would seem to suggest, warming over the 21st century may well be larger than that predicted by the current generation of models, given the propensity of those models to underestimate climate internal variability.
If the role of internal variability in the climate system is as large as this analysis would seem to suggest, warming over the 21st century may well be larger than that predicted by the current generation of models, given the propensity of those models to underestimate climate internal variability [Kravtsov and Spannagle, 2008].»
(b) Admitted by all: no current climate models can predict natural variation.
Audubon's climate model projects a 99 percent loss of current winter range by 2080, predicting climate suitable areas diffusing northward.
Audubon's climate model projects a 66 percent loss of current winter range by 2080, with a significant amount of potential expansion predicted.
Perhaps, a new kind of climate models based, at least in part, on empirical reconstruction of the climate constructed on empirically detected natural cycles may indeed perform better, may have better predicting capabilities and, consequently, may be found to be more beneficial to the society than the current GCMs adopted by the IPCC.
If coal - to - liquids fuels replace oil global temperatures will rise a critical 2Â °C by 2042, three years earlier than current climate models predict.
Whether or not the plateau continues, the current models used by the IPCC are unreliable for predicting future climate.»
That's highlighted by a prediction from another Apple - watching firm, Rosenblatt Securities, which is predicting that Apple will launch a «low - end» HomePod as soon as this autumn, costing $ 150 - $ 200 rather than the current model's $ 349 price.
Serious family financial strain, maternal depression, and attenuated cortisol all made unique contributions in models predicting current clinical levels of internalizing symptoms as rated by mothers and teachers.
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