Sentences with phrase «predicted demise of»

Many predicted the demise of the entire profession as online travel agencies began proliferating on the internet.
Maybe at last, the long - predicted demise of the billable hour will come.
This could be fixed fees: automation of many routine legal services may finally achieve the long - predicted demise of time - based billing.
Reef biologists predicted the demise of the reefs that is becoming a reality now due to the runoff from the golf course fertilizers.
Prognosticators gleefully predicted the demise of radio when television came along, but radio didn't die out — it simply evolved into a medium with a different purpose.
Though the predicted demise of UKIP will reduce small party representation, the Greens have more than doubled their candidacy.
After the financial crash some predicted the demise of the eurozone, but no country has left and the single currency is still shared by 17 EU member states.
A decade ago social scientists predicted the demise of civil religion at the hands of the seemingly more aggressive individualistic and materialistic orientations supported by utilitarianism.
This is the same Mr. Rubin who predicted $ 200 oil back in 2006 right before oil plunged from $ 147 to $ 40 a barrel and subsequently predicted the demise of the industry right before the last run - up in prices.
The evolution of self - driving vehicles is occurring in tandem with both the development of electric vehicle technology and the predicted demise of the internal combustion engine.
Way back in 2010, Sheryl Sandberg also predicted the demise of email (which puts me in good company, right?)
First, the latest article to predict the demise of email, though in this case the author makes a good point that future computers / cell phones / convergence gadgets will probably combine email, text and IM into a single interface, leaving us free to use the right medium for a given message.
Cross-posted on K Street Cafe Even in the Early Days of, back when we powered the servers with wood, coal and fuel - grade mummies, plenty of people were already predicting the demise of email as a marketing / communications tool.
First, the latest article to predict the demise of email, though in this case the author makes a good point that future computers / cell phones / convergence gadgets will probably combine email, text and IM into a single interface, leaving...
about Gripedaddy Predicts Demise of Best Buy Weeks Before Company Value Drops $ 2 Billion in Wake of CEO Ouster over Scandal, 50 Stores to Close
Some commentators predict the demise of the coalition in the immediate aftermath on the grounds that if Clegg wins he will grab the prize and make a run for it.
Fluorescing proteins accurately predict the demise of nematode worms, by measuring the activity of free radicals within their cells
Like social networking, which had many dating industry experts inaccurately predicting the demise of paid Internet dating sites, Internet dating hasn't killed matchmaking, but fed it.
Though no one is predicting the demise of the minivan, a dozen years of solid growth appear to be over.
You remind me of how I scoffed in 1980 when I heard a computer expert predict the demise of newspapers as people began reading on their computers.
It's not surprising to see Tim Waterstone predict the demise of ebooks, or to read e-book sites declare their imminent triumph.
There is a reductionist view with a subtext that categorizes anyone who predicts the demise of bookstores as a gloating goblin.
«I don't predict the demise of the PC industry, I don't subscribe to that,» he said, although admitting that tablet sales were eating into Mac sales and were likely having the same effect on the PC industry, which is essentially stagnant.
Unquestionably, predicting the demise of popular and long established medium makes great headlines — but that doesn't make it true.
Despite some folk predicting the demise of email, the email list is growing in importance (especially for indie authors).
From 2010 to 2014 or so, it seemed like we'd get blogosphere firestorms every week cheering for, or predicting the demise of, Big Pub.
I would be very cautious predicting the demise of the Kindle or the defeat of Amazon as the reigning monarch of eBooks.
Always tempting to predict the demise of the dollar as a reserve currency... but if you look back over the decades, investors & institutions are very slow to change allegiance.
In the digital age, pundits have been predicting the demise of trade shows for years.
John Baldessari, in a class entitled «Post Studio Art» offered at CalArts in the early 1970s, went so far as to predict the demise of the traditional studio.
Naturally I searched immediately for «newspapers» and discovered that they see «physical newspapers» lasting until 2048, the year when they predict the demise of Google and of blindness.
This assessment is due to 4 primary factors: First, laboratory work shows there is no basis to predict the demise of shelled plants and animals living in the sea.
He added: «It is just silly to predict the demise of polar bears in 25 years based on media - assisted hysteria.»
Buuuuut... it would seem those stubborn bears just keep ignoring their human scientific betters whom keep predicting the demise of polar bear species.
Glaciers will be history as of 2036, when they likewise predict the demise of British royalty (wishful thinking from Down Under?)
I'm pretty sure that insurance companies won't issue insurance for the year 2100, because insurance companies don't claim to know risks or values then, much less predicting the demise of the paying customer.
Pundits have been predicting the demise of email marketing for years.
However, despite the more sensationalist headlines predicting the demise of the human worker, at Hays we simply don't see this happening.
Some people are predicting the demise of the paper document in favor of online tools such as LinkedIn profiles.
The Four Horsemen are so important that if they exist in your relationship, you need to eradicate them now, because just the mere presence of it in your relationship successfully predicts the demise of relationships with 93 % accuracy!
Personally, I hope Korman is wrong about predicting the demise of the big box stores.
I predict the demise of malls, long before the demise of the big box store.
What pisses me off is that on the CREA site they have videos from a recent conference where they have these «pundits / prognosticators» predicting the demise of Realtors, that our numbers will be decreasing by perhaps 50,000.
Chris, of course they predict the demise of REALTORS, the pundits and prognosticators know exactly why.
Experts have been predicting the demise of real estate agents for years.

Not exact matches

By the end of the day, Bitcoin would plunge below $ 6,000 for the first time since November, leaving Bitcoin bears gleefully predicting the flagship cryptocurrency's imminent demise.
The inevitable demise of scripture as an irrelevant piece of outmoded literature has been predicted many times down the centuries.
We can, of course, jump immediately to the obvious conclusion — namely, that contemporary religion has become acutely individualistic — and we can decry the loss of community and predict the eventual demise of religious tradition as we know it.
The demise of Arsenal has been predicted a billion times and for the billionth time, Arsene Wenger's team is still playing Champions league football while spending next to nothing.
Like a lot of people, I got caught up with all that talk predicting our demise
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