Sentences with phrase «predicted proteins»

Several previous reports have concluded that RNA levels can not be used to predict protein levels.
This information can be used to predict the protein structure of the homodimer.
The inner circle shows the number of predicted proteins of UM270; whereas, external circles show the number of shared proteins with UM270.
InterDom: a database of putative interacting protein domains for validating predicted protein interactions and complexes
«A minimalist theory to predict protein movements
The mth gene predicted a protein with homology to several guanosine triphosphate — binding protein — coupled seven — transmembrane domain receptors.
Predicted protein coding regions are shown as boxes.
These new data suggest that transcriptome analysis can be used as a tool to predict the protein copy numbers per cell.
The ovals outside contain the number of CDSs that do not have homologs in any of the strains analyzed; that means unique predicted proteins.
There, I performed the spectroscopic analysis of the in silico predicted protein - ligand pairs of endocrine disruptors and breast cancer proteins using circular dichroism, native mass spectrometry and microscale thermophoresis.
Number of predicted proteins shared between P. fluorescens complete genomes with the strain UM270.
Evolutionary sequence data has been used to predict protein folds, but never to solve a crystal structure of a protein of this size, Kruse says.
Using the Baker Lab's flagship protein structure and sequencing software, Rosetta, users can predict protein structure from amino acid sequences and design new amino acid sequences to yield a desired function.
In this talk, I will describe a web - based tool, STRING, which aims to simplify the access to this information by providing a comprehensive, quality - controlled collection of both known and predicted protein interactions for a large number of organisms.
Using bioinformatics techniques, Dr Jason Brunt and Dr Andrew Carter, working with Professor Mike Peck and Dr Sandra Stringer, screened this database for other entries that were similar to the predicted proteins that the botulinum toxin gene would produce.
«Big data approach to predict protein structure.»
Using a big data approach, researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have now developed a method to predict protein structures.
A total of 1738 predicted protein - coding genes were identified; however, only a minority of these (38 percent) could be assigned a putative cellular role with high confidence.
«If this is so, and we can use this code to predict protein structure, we will gain a powerful tool for understanding how certain mutations cause disease and how to fix them.»
A Dartmouth College study finds there may be a universal code to predict protein structure, which could help to determine why certain mutations cause disease and how to fix them.
The pipeline assigns a functional term to each predicted protein sequence following a suite of comprehensive analyses whose results are ranked according to a priority rules hierarchy.
HiMAP is a searchable, online browser that allows exploration of both known and predicted protein — protein interactions.
Release 1.0 contains 15,419 high confidence protein - coding genes; alternatively spliced transcripts derived from 992 genes add an additional 1,370 proteins yielding a total of 16,789 predicted proteins.
Although the genomic sequence of T. brucei has been reported, many of the predicted proteins lack classifiable homology to known proteins in other organisms, hindering efforts to understand its biology and discover potential therapies.
For example, it is used to identify correlations between gene sequences and diseases, to predict protein structures from amino acid sequences, to aid in the design of novel drugs, and to tailor treatments to individual patients based on their DNA sequences (pharmacogenomics).
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