Sentences with phrase «predicted psychological adjustment»

Most notably, peer group integration significantly predicted psychological adjustment above and beyond friendship quality.
The type of family which raises a child does not predict their psychological adjustment later in life, according to a new... (read more)
The type of family which raises a child does not predict their psychological adjustment later in life, according to a...

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assuming what you say about skeptics changing topic as you describe is accurate, and at this point I do we are talking about data that is less than 200 years old, out of which extraordinary claims are made as to how that data relates to distant past and future trends tough sell assuming that all adjustments to the data are scientifically sound, It is very difficult for me to believe that measurements that have gone through so many iterations can be trusted to.0 and.00 in most other sciences, I doubt they would tough sell (the photo of the thermometer is downright funny) in terms of goal post moving I observe predicted heat being re-branded as «missing» a prediction of no snow re-branded as more snow a warming world re-branded to a «warm, cold, we don't know what to expect» world topped off with suggestions that one who thinks the above has some sort of psychological disorder extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence especially when you are teaching children that their world is endangered
D) the custodial parent's psychological adjustment (maternal depression and anxiety at the beginning of the divorce process predicts later negative emotional and social adjustment in the children);
«Dispositional optimism, as defined by generalized positive expectations for the future, virtually always predicts better psychological adjustment.
Since individual protective factors are a meaningful variables for psychological adjustment, we are interested to know the extent to which family variables (i.e., parental bonding and PA) and an individual variable (self - esteem) could predict psychological distress in adulthood.
Surprisingly, marital adjustment and parental psychological functioning showed little utility in predicting parenting behaviors either cross-sectionally or longitudinally in either sample.
In contrast to these protective factors, neuroticism (Verhaak et al., 2004; Verhaak et al., 2005a, b), Stroop interference on infertility - related words (Verhaak et al., 2004), marital dissatisfaction (Verhaak et al., 2005a, b), escapist coping (Terry and Hynes, 1998) and avoidance coping (Hynes et al., 1992) were all found to predict poorer psychological adjustment.
Our findings indicated that less peer acceptance predicted more internalizing and externalizing symptoms and less global self - worth two years later but that psychological adjustment did not predict future peer acceptance.
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