Sentences with phrase «prediction intervals for»

Although some debate has focused on when a validation statistic, such as CE or RE, is significant, a more meaningful approach may be to concentrate on the implied prediction intervals for a given reconstruction.
Assuming no autocorrelation for RSS (based on the DW test with GISS data), I regressed the annual temperature anomalies for the period 1979 - 2007 and determined the prediction intervals for individual years shown in the graph below.
The prediction intervals for individual years show that a beginning point and ending point predicted from the regression could fall close together.
The Forecasting Problem To determine the best policies to implement now to deal with the social or physical environment of the future, a policy maker should obtain forecasts and prediction intervals for each of the following: 1.
The second of the two most striking features is that the prediction intervals for shares of the vote are enormous.

Not exact matches

The prediction ranges (95 % confidence intervals) from the polls model includes the Rallings and Thrasher predictions for Labour and the Liberal Democrats, but narrowly misses for the Conservatives.
Of course using different local election results produces different predictions, but note that for all three parties the confidence intervals of both predictions overlap.
By verified, I mean that for a 50 year prediction, you move the start and end dates back in time at 10 or 20 year intervals until you run out of good data to compare against.
The Met Office Hadley Centre (Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research) climate change model, Hadley Centre Coupled Model, version 3 (HadCM3)[53], a coupled atmosphere - ocean general circulation model, was used for the time intervals 2020, 2050 and 2080 (note these date represent a time windows of ten years either side of the time interval date, i.e. 2020 is an average of the years 2010 — 2029, 2050 for 2040 — 2059 and 2080 for 2070 — 2089), under three emission scenarios of the IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES)[54]: scenario A1B (maximum energy requirements; emissions differentiated dependent on fuel sources; balance across sources), A2A (high energy requirements; emissions less than A1 / Fl) and B2A (lower energy requirements; emissions greater than B1).
Do you overlay «confidence intervals» or «prediction error» bars on the analyses you provide for clients?
We also discuss confidence intervals for these predictions.
I hope this exercise can be repeated annually or at 5 year intervals, and include the predictions from other models for comparison (one other is presented above), such as Latif et al's model and Tsonis et al's model, along with the simple linear plus sinusoid.
I think what this point highlights is that without an a priori belief about the relationship between time from prediction and an expected confidence interval for prediction accuracy, it's very hard to know where the finish line is in this kind of an evaluation.
Past variations suggest a 95 % confidence interval for this prediction ranging from 3.2 to 5.2 million km2 (+ / - 1.0).
And the distinction between weather and climate is bogus — simply provides another uncertain averaging interval for an escape hatch when the wrong predictions become too embarrassing.
These new sea ice proxy records are needed (1) to fully prove the scenarios of a succession from an extended ice shelf to polynya / open - water conditions (cf., Fig. 6), (2) to reconstruct in more detail the changes in sea ice cover for early, middle and late LIG intervals characterized by very different external forcings and related internal feedback mechanisms, and (3) to allow a more fundamental proxy data / modeling comparison that results in model improvements and better reproduction of the LIG climatic evolution and prediction of future climatic scenarios20, 21,22,23, 64.
apart from the ludicrous «confidence intervals» which show for most if not all predictions that the standard errors are larger than the predicted effects.
The code here follows the method of Zervas 2009, «Sea Level Variations of the United States 1854 - 2006,» NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 053, p. 15 - 24, to account for autocorrelation, when calculating confidence intervals and prediction intervals...
A Fourier analysis of each 4 kyr interval can then be used to produce a local «prediction» for the subsequent 1 ka, based on the putative cycles in the preceding 4 kyr.
Even a low CE value may still provide prediction intervals that are useful for drawing particular scientific conclusions.
The figure also illustrates predictions made at proxy values A and B and the corresponding prediction intervals (wide blue lines) for the temperature.
You state exactly that which you know within an acceptable confidence interval that is the norm for that discipline, but not by hindcasting, but by making predictions of key variables whose values were not determined in the past, to show the validity of your theory / model.
The predictions could be made for any future period at one year intervals.
This is the one I think looks like yours: This is with increased prediction interval to take care for autocorrelation, might be too simplified though:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z