Sentences with phrase «predictions which»

Blockcypher has added features such as confirmation predictions which shows the probability of a transaction becoming confirmed.
People are claiming predictions which are not validated, without risking a price for being wrong.
The test of any new scientific theory is the ability to make numerical predictions which prove to be correct on independent assessment.
I know of very few predictions which are less than the current trends.
For the abrupt changes during the 1970s and 1990s they calculated predictions which began a few months prior to the beginning of the observed climate shifts.
Models produce predictions which will be within some margin of being correct.
Predictions which tend to be correct.
Relying exclusively on model predictions which have no experimental backup tells us absolutely nothing.
So the practical use of models is for models to make short term predictions which can within a reasonable period of time, be checked against reality.
The time commitment is enormous, and the result is a document which is based on the facts of observation and predictions which have been scrutinized to the highest level possible.
A theory makes predictions which can be tested.
In the new report they have dumped their former fingerprint predictions which looked so definitively and technical, but proved to be so wrong.
However, the Douglas aircraft company may have made predictions which lead to its demise with about the same, or possibly less, accuracy than an experienced fortune teller.
Team Purple could check for UHI, albedo change, pollution etc theories to see if those, combined with the greenhouse effect, can produce predictions which actually match reality, something Red's efforts conspicuously fail to do.
Various observational predictions which can be used to confirm or falsify our hypothesis are presented.
To consider the hypothesis we really need to view the big picture, and make some robust predictions which are capable of being disproved.
They made predictions which would have allowed them to be falsified and discarded.
This study, then, looks to identify a set of predictions which are not only ex post correct but also rest on a common theoretical understanding.
That being said, the predictions which can be found on the Forbes website are pretty safe bets about what could happen.
Harry Dent, Charles Kadlec, and the crew that put together Dow 36,000 created their own sensational predictions which proved to be controversial and very wrong.
These predictions from models that considered shielded PAHs were far more accurate than previous predictions which included unshielded pollutants.
In addition to explaining many features of our world which still do not have any alternative explanation, inflationary theory made many predictions which have been already confirmed by cosmological observations.
For the abrupt changes during the 1970s and 1990s they calculated predictions which began a few months prior to the beginning of the observed climate shifts.
String theory is now beginning to make concrete, observational predictions which will be tested.
The final score of HICKMAN»S HUNCHES, the weekly predictions which he will again begin for SI next week, showed a healthy.727 average.
You can keep on making your disgusting predictions which will not happen.
Almost 20 years later these predictions which raised so much protest seem mild, and most of them have been realized.
In this inference pattern the deductive inference is to predictions which test the proposed dominant order of an environment elaborated analogically, not deductively, from the model of another environmental order.
It's how it makes better and better predictions which lead to MRI machines and powerful lasers and and the incredible electronics of your computer.
Thus the Inconsistency between Bohr's quantum theory and the assumptions of classical physics worried some physicists very much when it was first proposed, whereas others thought this inconsistency of little importance compared to the accuracy of the predictions which it yielded.
If the theory allows one to make predictions which are subsequently verified, it is further strengthened.
And again, these are just the facts, not predictions which can be molded however way that benefits our argument.
Now I am going to make my own prediction which I'm (almost) willing to stake my life on: May 21 will come and go without any Rapture.
The prediction that his grandson al - Hasan would re-establish unity and end the conflict between two great parties of Islam, a prediction which was fulfilled in the days of Mu`awiya, the fifth Caliph.
Thank you Wenger for telling us the prediction which we already thought will happen.
Version 4.0 of Fire OS, dubbed «Sangria», offers «Advanced Streaming and Prediction which predicts the movies and TV episodes you'll want to watch and starts them instantly» plus a «Smart Suspend» feature that «develops a device - specific profile for when the tablet is typically not in use and proactively turns wireless off and on to deliver up to 25 % more standby battery life.»
There's still a chance that it may find its way across the seas, but that's one prediction which is a bit harder to make.
It's estimated that 3.45 million Wii U's have been sold, in comparison to the original prediction which placed projected sales around 5.5 million.
Now it's possible that he could be the man behind my Fable prediction which would be cool.
An alternative along these lines which seems fairly popular nowadays is known as Bayesian calculus, where if a given theory is viewed as relatively unlikely but makes a prediction which is also seen as highly improbable (given the rest of what we believe we know) the theory is viewed as more likely and the alternatives to it which predicted something else are viewed as less likely, including the alternative which was dominant.
To do this you need to make a «climate» prediction which, by Prof H - G's definition, will require decades.
You reinforce that Leake's original question refers to a prediction which simply does not exist.
At the very least it should be closer to no warming than the lower limit of the IPCC prediction which from 2001 has been the midpoint between 0.14 C / decade and 0.0 C / decade.

Not exact matches

Which brings me, at last, to my fourth prediction for 2018.
When the company acquired LinkedIn for $ 26.2 billion in 2016, PCMag made several predictions about the ways in which a Microsoft and LinkedIn marriage could work, like Microsoft leveraging LinkedIn in order to give users access to expertise within Microsoft apps, such as Word and PowerPoint.
Along with several other analysts on Friday, including Steve Milunovich at UBS, Sacconaghi also said it was becoming clear that the latest lineup of iPhones had not sparked a massive wave of consumers with older models upgrading their phones, a prediction dubbed the «super cycle,» which had helped drive Apple's stock price up 45 % since early 2017.
The value has already surpassed the bank's predictions, which said it would go over $ 2,100.
Oh, one other prediction, which probably won't happen this year, but is inevitable: the media (and public) will freak out the first time a robot car accidentally kills someone, with calls to slow development inevitably following.
As its actions prove, the Fed is well aware of this despite its routinely over-optimistic and always incorrect predictions, which is why there is no taper.
But even if he's right — like any of these predictions, it's debatable — that figure would be a minor blip in one of the world's biggest economies, which measured US$ 2.26 trillion in 2010, according to the World Bank.
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