Sentences with phrase «predictive ability as»

To convince any hiring manager to give you a chance or invite you over for an interview, your resume must be in a language and manner that highlight your analytical and predictive ability as a statistician.

Not exact matches

The most interesting chapters of The Two - Second Advantage deal with attempts to take that human predictive ability and to blend it with real - time computing — as the authors have it, to design and build predictive systems that put «Gretzky's brain in a box.»
They found that measures of self - efficacy — a personality trait that underlies how much you believe in your own abilities to accomplish a goal (as well as deal with the stresses that accompany working toward that goal)-- were predictive of how risky a climber was willing to get.
The study found that the ability to withstand this stress was more predictive of survival than other factors such as the overall amount of water lost through leaves and the depth of roots.
Finally, studies focused on the development of measures of teacher competence have documented that teachers» ability to analyze student thinking as portrayed in brief video clips of classroom lessons is predictive of their teaching effectiveness (Kersting, Givvin, Thompson, Santagata, & Stigler, 2012).
Unfortunately, as with Swype, the trace mode's predictive ability is limited.
Since the 1950s, social scientists have been comparing the predictive abilities of traditional experts, and what are known as «statistical prediction rules,» which are just simple models.
We wouldn't use it even if it did, as it would have zero predictive ability when it comes to asset class performance).
To determine which combination of measures best predicted outcome, we tested the discrimination, or performance, of each model by calculating the area under the curve (AUC), which quantified each model's ability to classify a dog correctly as an eventual program release or success (higher AUCs indicate better predictive power)(54, 55)(SI Materials and Methods).
As you become familiar with raising these animals, you will probably be able to develop a bit of a predictive ability, but remember that your customers probably will not, and they will need to be assured that the changes will be for the better.
You're going to have to wait some number of decades anyway to evaluate the model's predictive ability (i.e. once the model has been constructed, leaving it be without tweaking the parameters etc.), and at that point you might as well just pump the actual recorded data into it.
The key issue here — as I have been arguing all along — is the public credibility of climatology, climatologists and their predictive abilities..
Despite the concerted efforts to develop metrics and the urgency to inform policy, management plans, and actions, few metrics have been empirically tested with field data for testing their predictive ability, refinement, and eventual implementation as predictive tools.
The very broad details (CO2 is a greenhouse gas, it has been rising) are only considered as «consensus» positions in the same way the existence of gravity is a «consensus» position, based on overwhelming explanatory and predictive ability.
«The recent dramatic cooling of the average heat content of the upper oceans, and thus a significant negative radiative imbalance of the climate system for at least a two year period, that was mentioned in the Climate Science weblog posting of July 27, 2006, should be a wake - up call to the climate community that the focus on predictive modeling as the framework to communicate to policymakers on climate policy has serious issues as to its ability to accurately predict the behavior of the climate system.
The real test of any model or theory is predictive ability, and the models have done well so far as below.
Checking whether a model can produce past history in no way validates it as a correct model of reality — in a few minutes I could program a «model» that would reproduce past global temperature with complete accuracy — but would have no predictive ability at all.
If internal system variability on it's own were sufficient as you seem to believe then the mechanisms and quantities involved would already have been substantially resolved with sound predictive abilities already arising from our models.
Indeed, the lack of agreement between the model's «hindcast» and actual temperatures since 1995 should remind us again to view this only as a very preliminary analysis with predictive ability that is much more qualitative than quantitative.
I would argue that although having an opponent at the table is going to be a non-starter, the courts should be much more carefully examining whether they actually have a sufficient understanding of predictive coding methodology and performance to make a proportionality ruling under Rule 26, since, as the Da Silva court noted, the court's ability to okay its use is rooted in part in the proportionality rule.
The agreement between potential clinical criteria (construct validity) and the ability of the criteria to predict outcomes typical of sepsis, such as need for intensive care unit (ICU) admission or death (predictive validity, a form of criterion validity), were then tested.
Hence, perceived behavioral control is also regarded as making a direct predictive influence on people's behavior in situation when a person's opinions of control equal the amount of accrual control that he or she is has the ability to practice.
The first 5 years of life are critical for the development of language and cognitive skills.1 By kindergarten entry, steep social gradients in reading and math ability, with successively poorer outcomes for children in families of lower social class, are already apparent.2 — 4 Early cognitive ability is, in turn, predictive of later school performance, educational attainment, and health in adulthood5 — 7 and may serve as a marker for the quality of early brain development and a mechanism for the transmission of future health inequalities.8 Early life represents a time period of most equality and yet, beginning with in utero conditions and extending through early childhood, a wide range of socially stratified risk and protective factors may begin to place children on different trajectories of cognitive development.9, 10
Concurrent / predictive validity includes correlations between the measure and outcomes it is purported to predict as well as evidence of the measure's ability to differentiate between distinct groups.
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