Sentences with phrase «predictive capacity»

This improved predictive capacity could allow scientists to better understand what changes to expect, where to expect them, and their magnitude.
This table provides the specific predictive capacity of CU and ODD at age 3 on the subjects» clinical state two years later.
Integrating fish food web dynamics into GFDL's Earth System Models and uncovering the role of movement in shaping large - scale fish distributions are key steps in developing a large - scale predictive capacity for fish.
In weather forecasting, models assimilate information to constrain the present state in order to allow for better predictive capacity.
Fellow Slaw columnist Omar Ha - Redeye recently wrote a blog entry on how artificial intelligence is making its way into the Canadian legal community more slowly that expected (by some) due to the fact that the data repositories that are behind SOQUIJ, CanLII, and other caselaw search engines are simply too limited in size to allow for true predictive capacities.
However, as Ma and Kishor (1997) similarly found in their meta - analysis nearly two decades ago, the poor predictive capacity of the TPB may be due to ill - defined indicator items in the measuring instruments that have not complied with the principle of compatibility.
In addition, since from a practical - clinical perspective effect sizes are the most relevant objective of the analyses, and due to the fact that p - values are strongly dependent on sample size, all effect sizes for the relationships analyzed have been estimated by the confidence interval for the parameters, with the R2 measuring the global predictive capacity of the models (adjusted to the covariates).
Such gauges usually serve in a predictive capacity, pointing toward the direction in which the economy might be headed, provided that conditions remain essentially the same.
However, we still have a long way to go to be able to make enhancements in a predictive capacity
It was previously unknown whether invertebrates possessed these predictive capacities, and most of their behaviors were thought to be completely reactionary.
This fact may lead may limit the predictive capacity of the models bot more research is needed: «It remains to be shown how ignoring core parts of the industrial system influences the feasibility of certain scenarios to mitigate climate change.
The only thing that matters in science is predictive capacity: how well can a theory predict the evolution of a closed system based on initial conditions, or the closest you can get to that in real life with caveats made based on holes in the system or model.
Whatever im - provements in regional predictive capacity may come about in the future, the lack of current predictive capacity on the relevant scale is a strong argument for why we must both control greenhouse gas emissions and adapt.»
Testing scientific findings and openly discussing the test results have been the key to the remarkable progress that is now accelerating in all domains, in spite of inherent limitations to predictive capacity.
It will also «review the utility and objectiveness of the criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM - IV) and will comment on the validity of current screening instruments and their predictive capacity for accurate diagnoses.»
The predictive capacity of perceived expressed emotion as a dynamic entity of adolescents from the general community.
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