Sentences with phrase «predictive effects»

The goal of the paper is to provide predictive effects of teachers and schools on these outcomes.
In contrast, parental monitoring had a substantial negative predictive effect on children's school achievement in the context of other variables.
Finally, consider predictive effects in the factor model that do not partial on the school.
With the baseline controls in X, the factor model estimates give with predictive effects and.
I studied predictive effects of teachers and schools on test scores in fourth through eighth grade and outcomes later in life such as college attendance and earnings.
There were 36 studies were identified which aimed to explore associations, or predictive effects of, psychosocial factors on emotional distress.
Repeating the analysis above with these two measures of parent characteristics added to the baseline control vector gives the following predictive effects for college attendance based on test scores which are somewhat lower than the results above using the baseline controls.
A factor model can provide predictive effects that condition on averages over many classrooms, with and without the same teacher, and can provide a limit as the number of such classrooms tends to infinity.
Our conclusion that the observed effect was not simply a chance association is strengthened both by the observed, substantial improvement in RR when cancers occurring early in the trial were excluded and by the highly significant predictive effect of both the baseline and the 1 - y serum 25 (OH) D values in addition to the intervention itself.
DAily hassles also had main predictive effects in our study, accounting for between 5 % (for state anxiety) and 25 % (for trait anxiety) of the variance in the adjustment measures after controlling for demographic and disease severity variables.
In developing countries, depression similarly has a stronger predictive effect on ideation (OR = 2.9) than on suicide plans among ideators (OR = 1.6), planned attempts among ideators (OR = 1.5), or unplanned attempts among ideators (OR = 0.7).
Hierarchical multiple regression analyses, after controlling for family socioeconomic status (SES), revealed the substantial positive predictive effects of family SES, parental encouragement, parental expectations, and parental beliefs on children's school achievement.
With the baseline controls in X, the factor model estimates give with predictive effects An SD increase in the teacher factor based on the test score index implies a predicted increase in earnings of $ 186.
Researchers set out to see if these pregnancy conditions had a predictive effect on the father's chances of developing them later in his life, since a live - in partner shares similar dietary and exercise habits, both important determinants of these conditions.
«The predictive effect of the infant's brain response to the reading speed in secondary school is mediated by the pre-school-age naming speed of familiar objects, suggesting that if search of the words from the mental lexicon is hindered before school age, reading is still tangled in secondary school,» states researcher PhD Kaisa Lohvansuu.
With the baseline controls, using the factor model, an SD increase in the teacher factor based on test scores has a predictive effect on college attendance of 0.16 percentage points.
As in the production function discussion, I construct an index corresponding to variation in teacher inputs within a school and use it to obtain a predictive effect in SD units: Likewise, I construct an index corresponding to variation across schools and use it to obtain a predictive effect in SD units:
This study measures the predictive effect of teachers on adult outcomes.
With parent characteristics added to the baseline controls, the predictive effect is 0.13 percentage points.
Then I can define teacher and school factors based on test score data and measure the predictive effect of the teacher factor on college attendance.
The predictive effects for test scores based on the test scores of other classes are and.
Therefore, in predicting college attendance With the baseline controls in X, without the quadratic terms, with the partition on subject and grade, this gives The predictive effect on college attendance of 0.51 percentage points is considerably larger than the effect based on within school variation: percentage points.
Nevertheless, it is useful to ask what would be identified under within - school random assignment, and that analysis provides some guidance in presenting and interpreting the predictive effects.
When the factors are constructed using data on college attendance, the predictive effect of a 1 - SD increase in the teacher factor is 0.79 percentage points.
More directly, I can define teacher and school factors based on the college attendance data and measure the predictive effect of the teacher factor on college attendance.
With the baseline controls, the predictive effect for Gco on college attendance is 0.99 percentage points.
These estimates are lower bounds on the predictive effect of an SD increase in the teacher factor (Gco) based directly on college attendance.
With the parent characteristics added to the baseline control vector, the predictive effects for college attendance based on the college attendance of other classes are and.
I would like to have predictive effects that condition on averages over many classrooms, with and without the same teacher, and consider a limit as the number of such classrooms tends to infinity.
These predictive effects condition on a single score for a different classroom with the same teacher and a single score for a classroom with a different teacher.
I would like to have predictive effects that condition on averages over many classrooms, with and without the same teacher.
With the baseline controls in X, the factor model estimates imply the predictive effects and.
The predictive effects are based on observing multiple classrooms with the same teacher.
These predictive effects can be based on residuals, where first we form predictions based on observed variables (X) such as class size, years of teacher experience, lagged test scores, and parent characteristics.
The optimal linear predictor for college attendance is With the production function interpretation The predictive effects in SD units are
The factor model provides a predictive effect for individual test scores of a 1 - SD increase in the teacher factor (G1) based directly on test scores.
With the parent characteristics added to the baseline controls, the predictive effect is 0.79 percentage points.
In parallel with the optimal linear predictor of college attendance, the optimal linear predictor for the test score is The predictive effects are With the baseline controls in X, the estimates are and.
The predictive effects for earnings are Compared with the results using the baseline controls, the teacher effect of $ 196 is about the same (before: $ 186), but the school effect of $ 282 is substantially lower (before: $ 400).
I shall rely on the factor model (below) for my discussion of the magnitudes of predictive effects.
To anticipate my results, using the full set of controls in X, when the factors are constructed using test score data, the predictive effect on college attendance of a 1 - SD increase in the teacher factor is 0.13 percentage points.
As before, the predictive effect of P / E10 is high in the intermediate - term as we see in years 10 and 20.
The purpose of this study is to examine the predictive effect of life satisfaction and loneliness level of adolescents with divorced parents on resilience.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to examine the predictive effect of life satisfaction and loneliness level of adolescents with divorced parents on resilience.
Table 3 shows the predictive effects of previous exercise models for higher levels of depressive symptoms.
This confirms that professional identity (X) has a predictive effect on anxiety (Y).
Self - compassion moderates the predictive effects of implicit cognitions on subjective well - being.
Other risk factors (i.e., teen or single parenthood, very low income, high initial levels of problem behavior) showed no predictive effects, implying intervention was at least as successful at helping the most disadvantaged families, compared to more advantaged.
Using a developmental, social — ecological approach to understand the etiology of health - risk behavior and inform primary prevention efforts, we assess the predictive effects of family and neighborhood social processes on youth physical fighting and weapon carrying.
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