Sentences with phrase «predictive features»

The new predictive features that emerged may give researchers new clues about the mechanisms of the disease, he says.
The single most predictive feature of falsified expressions, the study shows, is the mouth, and how and when it opens.
Using predictive features that analyze content, timing and network structure, BotOrNot can uncover Twitter accounts like @StanBieberfan that are most likely --- in this case almost 80 percent — to be social bots rather than human - operated accounts.
«We have applied a statistical learning framework to analyze Twitter data, but the «secret sauce» is in the set of more than one thousand predictive features able to discriminate between human users and social bots, based on content and timing of their tweets, and the structure of their networks,» said Alessandro Flammini, an associate professor of informatics and principal investigator on the project.
Nokia had a great predictive feature about 10 years ago — I'd be happy with that!
Building on those base blocks, today's update introduces predictive features which it believes turns its service into a calling app that supersedes the default option on Android.
Coffman et al. found that for adolescent children (15 - 16), the PCRI was valid for assessing concurrent and predictive features of mother - child relationships, but it was not valid for assessing characteristics of father - child relationships.
Our mission is to make train travel as simple as possible and price prediction is the first in a long line of predictive features we have planned to help customers save time and money.»
Apple has introduced a number of predictive features and a new glance mode to make messaging and viewing calendar entries, for example, much easier on the small display.
The more data and tools at their disposal, the better, as actuaries seek to nail down not just predictive features of risks but the most predictive features — to outrun their competitors in the race for the best price and the best product.
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