Sentences with phrase «predictor variable in»

Andrew M. Greeley, «Religious Imagery as a Predictor Variable in the General Social Survey,» paper presented at a plenary session of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Chicago, 1984.
When I apply full standardization to the predictor variables in the all - predictors - simultaneously case, the excess over one of the Prediction ratio halves, to 7.0 %, using 7 PLS components.
The Decision Tree Model shows the following predictor variables in infant's development: 1) the duration of an infant's hospitalization in ICU, 2) mother's employment 3) amount of physical contact with infant after childbirth and 4) father's level of involvement in parenting.
We next examined the contributions of all predictor variables in distinguishing group memberships for child social skills trajectories.

Not exact matches

It concluded that negative intermeeting stock market returns are a stronger predictor of subsequent target changes in the Fed funds rate than any commonly followed macroeconomic variable.
However, in malnourished populations motor development may be a useful predictor of subsequent human function.5 A study conducted in Denmark6 found a positive relationship between breastfeeding duration and an earlier ability to crawl and perform the «pincer grip» after adjusting for potential confounding variables.
She did, «finding that «beta weights» are the coefficients of the «predictors» in a regression equation used to find statistical correlations between variables.
In previous studies, the researchers showed that significant variables might not be predictive and that good predictors might not appear statistically significant.
A common goal for a statistical research project is to investigate causality, and in particular to draw a conclusion on the effect of changes in the values of predictors or independent variables on response or dependent variables.
The results, published in the «Journal of Child and Family Studies», show that these two variables in foster carers are important predictors of children's problems within the family.
In place of reporting probit coefficients, we report the marginal effect of the variable on the award probability, which is the change in the award probability due to each predictor separately, with other variables evaluated at their mean valueIn place of reporting probit coefficients, we report the marginal effect of the variable on the award probability, which is the change in the award probability due to each predictor separately, with other variables evaluated at their mean valuein the award probability due to each predictor separately, with other variables evaluated at their mean values.
«In our last paper, we showed that significant variables may not necessarily be predictive, and that good predictors may not appear statistically significant,» said principal investigator Shaw - Hwa Lo, a professor of statistics at Columbia University.
To account for demographic differences that might impact social network structure, our model also included binary predictor variables indicating whether subjects in each dyad were of the same or different nationalities, ethnicities, and genders, as well as a variable indicating the age difference between members of each dyad.
Seven environmental variables, which were previously identified as potential predictors for podoconiosis in Ethiopia (Deribe et al., 2015b), were used to model podoconiosis prevalence.
In BC17's case, the simulated aspects of the recent past (the «predictor variables») involve spatial fields of top - of - the - atmosphere (TOA) radiative fluxes.
In both China Study I and II, wheat is the strongest positive predictor of body weight (r = 0.65, p < 0.001) out of any diet variable.
Predictor variables for marathon race time in recreational female runners.
In their analysis, NORC researchers Nick Rabkin and Eric Hedberg test and ultimately confirm the validity of an assumption made with prior SPPA data, that participation in arts lessons and classes is the most significant predictor of arts participation later in life, even after controlling for other variableIn their analysis, NORC researchers Nick Rabkin and Eric Hedberg test and ultimately confirm the validity of an assumption made with prior SPPA data, that participation in arts lessons and classes is the most significant predictor of arts participation later in life, even after controlling for other variablein arts lessons and classes is the most significant predictor of arts participation later in life, even after controlling for other variablein life, even after controlling for other variables.
Let denote outcome h for classroom j in school i. Let denote a vector of predictor variables such as class size, years of teacher experience, and an average of test scores from a previous year for members of the classroom.
Instead, we used the ratings assigned to teachers on a joint (effective teaching and culturally responsive pedagogy) teacher accomplishment scale to classify teachers into three levels of accomplishment (most, moderately, and least); these levels were used as predictor variables to explain variations in the instructional practices used by teachers (Table 15).
There is good evidence, too, that the ability to reason scientifically — by testing hypotheses through well - controlled experiments — is a strong predictor of later success in the sciences and that this skill can be developed through programmes that allow pupils to design experiments that require them to control variables.
Predictors of grade 2 word reading and vocabulary from grade 1 variables in Spanish - speaking children: Similarities and differences
In addition, studies show that a student's ability to understand fractions in fifth grade is also a predictor of long - term math achievement in high school, even after controlling for IQ, reading ability, and other variableIn addition, studies show that a student's ability to understand fractions in fifth grade is also a predictor of long - term math achievement in high school, even after controlling for IQ, reading ability, and other variablein fifth grade is also a predictor of long - term math achievement in high school, even after controlling for IQ, reading ability, and other variablein high school, even after controlling for IQ, reading ability, and other variables.
If one is to look at Table 20, one would see that in the worst model (adjusted ELA Common Core) the predictor variables together only explain 45 % of student ELA Common Core test scores.
In other words, this particular prediction model can not account for 26 % of the cause of current ELA 8th grade scores, «all other things considered» (i.e., the predictor variables that are so highly correlated with test scores in the first placeIn other words, this particular prediction model can not account for 26 % of the cause of current ELA 8th grade scores, «all other things considered» (i.e., the predictor variables that are so highly correlated with test scores in the first placein the first place).
We built a generalized estimating equation (GEE) general linear model (GLM) with outcome as the dependent variable; time in the nursing box, licking / grooming per puppy, vertical nursing per puppy, and ventral nursing per puppy were entered as predictors with breed, maternal parity, sex of puppy, and age at return entered as covariates.
Because Maternal behavior scores were significantly positively correlated across weeks 1, 2, and 3 (36), we use week 2 Maternal behavior scores in all analyses as our predictor variable.
Looking across the totality of the evidence, what we see is that the climate variables tend to be weaker predictors of security troubles than other factors, like ethnic divisions, failed states, war in neighboring states that spills over, etc..
In response to Pounds» link to global warming they wrote, «Numerous other variables, including regional banana and beer production, were better predictors of these extinctions.
That will result in higher variance predictor variables tending to be more dominant in the decomposition than lower variance ones, and more highly weighted in the PLS components.
In BC17's case, the simulated aspects of the recent past (the «predictor variables») involve spatial fields of top - of - the - atmosphere (TOA) radiative fluxes.
I tested use of the OLR seasonal cycle over the 30S — 30N latitude zone only, thereby reducing the number of predictor variables to 936 — still a large number, but under 4 % of the 23,976 predictor variables used in BC17.
List of the 42 occupied weather stations used as predictor variables, and four automatic weather stations (AWS) in West Antarctica.
In terms of strength of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables, perceived consensus was the strongest predictor of all three types of global warming views — certainty, causation, and harm / benefit.
In 2003, Michaels and John Christy were among the coauthors of a «Test for harmful collinearity among predictor variables used in modeling global temperature.&raquIn 2003, Michaels and John Christy were among the coauthors of a «Test for harmful collinearity among predictor variables used in modeling global temperature.&raquin modeling global temperature.»
Predictors of Client Engagement and Attrition in Home - Based Child Maltreatment Prevention Services Damashek, Doughty, Ware, & Silovsky (2010) Child Maltreatment, 16 (1) View Abstract Examines the relative influence of provider, program, and individual factors from the Integrated Theory of Parent Involvement as well as maternal and family demographic and risk variables in predicting service enrollment and completion in a home - based child maltreatment prevention service (SafeCare +) and a standard community care program (Services as Usual).
This study focuses on one risk factor (daily hassles) and one resistance factor (social support) as predictors of adjustment in children with PRDs, with demographics and disease severity as control variables.
In spite of significant intercorrelations among some of the predictor variables, none of these correlations approached the level -LRB-.70 or higher) suggestive of significant problems with multicollinearity (Tabachnick & Fidell, 1996, p. 86).
In Step 2, we computed zero - order correlations among the predictor variables and between the predictor and criterion variables.
In Step 1, we conducted one - way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine whether there were site differences on the predictor and criterion variables.
We calculated χ2 statistics, t tests, and correlation coefficients to analyze the bivariate associations between each potential predictor variable (anthropometric and psychosocial family characteristics) and the 2 criteria of long - term weight change: success versus failure in weight reduction up to the 12 - month follow - up and weight change between the conclusion of treatment and the 12 - month follow - up.
To assess the potential effect of missing data (ie, ignorable vs informative missing data), a pattern - mixture analysis was implemented using 2 - tailed tests.51 We defined patterns using a binary completer status variable, which was entered as a predictor in the RRM and MMANOVA.
An intent - to - treat analysis was conducted using univariate analysis of covariance for continuous variables and multivariate analysis of covariance for continuous variables in which the predictor variable comprised multiple scales.
After creating a full model containing all possible confounders, we performed backward elimination, removing variables whose exclusion from the model resulted in < 10 % change in the effect estimate for the predictor variable.
Bivariate Associations Between Predictor Variables and Success Versus Failure in Weight Reduction up to 12 - Month Follow - up
SLA - level predictor variables will include: accessibility (ARIA +), 33 socioeconomic status (using Socio Economic Status for Areas (SEIFA) indexes, four indexes that summarise different aspects of the socioeconomic conditions of people living in an area based upon sets of social and economic information from the Australian Census35); full - time equivalent GPs; medical workers, nurses, pharmacists, Aboriginal health workers and community services workers per 10 000 population; rates of unemployment and labour force participation.
Information was collected in the surveys to date the transitions in time - varying variables (eg, respondent's age at birth of siblings and at parental death or divorce), allowing us to redefine these variables for each year of the respondent's life as time - varying predictors of onset of suicidality.
explore predictors of anxiety, depression and unmet needs, including demographic and disease variables (as previously established in English - speaking cancer patients) and acculturation
The review of previous studies results in investigation of the predictor variables of parenting stress, there was consistency in the results regarding the association between parent gender, age, child age, recently time diagnosis, educational level, monthly income and marital status.
Sex and relationship variables as predictors of sexual attraction in cross-sex platonic friendships between young heterosexual adults.
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