Sentences with phrase «predisposing genes»

In the Cocker spaniel we have found that the risk of getting affected offspring increases when one or more parents are affected by distichiasis, suggesting the accumulation of presumed predisposing genes.
For example, there are predisposing genes with near 100 % penetrance such as Huntington's Chorea (everyone with the predisposition will manifest the syndrome if they live long enough), while there are many other genes, which have a low penetrance.
Recent studies proved that miRNAs and non-coding ultraconserved genes are main candidates for the elusive class of cancer predisposing genes and that other types of non-coding RNAs participate in the genetic puzzle giving rise to the malignant phenotype.
Homologous recombination defective diseases combination is associated with BRCA1 and BRCA2, the breast and ovarian cancer predisposing genes.
Finally, the Eng lab is searching for Barrett esophagus - predisposing genes.
As Finnish geneticist Leena Peltonen wrote in a recent review, «The enthusiasm regarding the use of population isolates for the identification of predisposing genes for common, polygenic diseases has turned to a silent drudgery.»
The predisposing genes remain unknown
As a postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Eng was a co-discoverer that RET is a predisposing gene for medullary thyroid cancer.
The lead author, Karen Reddy, a postdoctoral fellow in the Singh laboratory, proposes that, such compartmentalization «implies the existence of DNA segments that encode for «nuclear addresses» acting like a nuclear zip code to direct or predispose genes to associate with specific regions within the nucleus.

Not exact matches

While there is not technically a twin gene, there is a genetic component that makes some women predisposed to conceiving twins.
There is a «twin gene» — fraternal twining, which is the result of a woman releasing more than one egg at the same time, is genetically predisposed.
And while there are many factors that contribute to his tendency toward depression, research shows that how we were parented influences how our genes are expressed and that would include genes that predispose us to mental illness.
This gene already has figured in a court case in Italy, Hyman said, where a defendant's sentence was reduced based on testimony that he had the gene and was predisposed to violence.
«We worked with mice carrying genes that predisposed them to epilepsy and premature death.
Finally, children may also share genes with their parents that predispose them to poor sleep.
«In short,» said Pandey, «epigenetic reprogramming in the brain due to early life experiences or exposure to alcohol can lead to the changes in gene functions and predispose an individual to adult psychopathology.»
«Our work shows that not only do people with ASD have fewer children than others,» he said, «but in families where a child has ASD, the fact that the parents choose to have fewer children means the genes that predispose to ASD are less likely to be passed on to future generations.»
If the silencing occurred in a gene responsible for suppressing tumor formation, the result would appear the same as genetic mutations that predispose people to cancer.
The scientists discovered several new genes which predispose low HDL - cholesterol levels.
«Among them were multiple genes known to predispose individuals to Parkinson's — so we show that various genetic forms of Parkinson's are directly related to alpha - synuclein.
Genetic tests could one day indicate if patients are predisposed to high levels of TNF — possibly associated with the newly identified receptor gene variant — helping to identify patients that will respond to antibody therapy.
«In the current study, we analyzed dozens of variants of those genes and other genes frequently associated with obesity risk and saw that, while total fat intake was related to higher BMI, people who were genetically predisposed to obesity and ate the most saturated fat had the highest BMIs.»
Children of scientists and engineers may inherit genes that not only confer intellectual talents but also predispose them to autism
Genetic factors can contribute to the degree of longevity in at least two important ways: An individual may inherit certain genetic variations that predispose him or her to disease that decreases longevity; other gene variants may confer disease resistance, thereby increasing it.
The researchers conclude that the mutated gene likely plays a key role in predisposing people to allergy.
A third of white people have gene variations that make it harder for them to quit cigarettes, and may predispose them to other addictive behaviours
The findings may help researchers isolate the gene that predisposes people to migraines and engineer more effective treatments.
No one knows what genes predispose people to schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, which each afflict about one in 100 people.
Mutations in the gene predispose to colon cancer and cancer of the uterus, and increase the risk of developing some other, rare tumours.
As many as 10 different genes have been found that predispose people to schizophrenia to varying extents.
A new gene has jumped into the mix of factors that might predispose people to schizophrenia.
It did not object to using PGD to pick an embryo that led to the birth of a girl in January who lacked the genes that would have predisposed her to breast cancer later in life.
The study suggests that a less common version of the BDNF gene may predispose people to obesity by producing lower levels of BDNF protein, a regulator of appetite, in the brain.
«The BDNF gene has previously been linked to obesity, and scientists have been working for several years to understand how changes in this particular gene may predispose people to obesity,» said Jack A. Yanovski, M.D., Ph.D., one of the study authors and an investigator at NIH's Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD).
Hebrok found that when the Brg1 gene is knocked out in mice that are predisposed to PanIN development and subsequent PDA, lesions form that are similar to human IPMN.
«The lines drawn between different disorders are not related to the genes that predispose to the disorders,» Cantor notes, explaining that two children can present very similar behavioral patterns but have vastly different sets of copy number variations — and vice versa.
This enables them to study the mechanisms by which certain genes can predispose an individual to a particular disease.
ABOUT 1 per cent of Ashkenazi Jews have a mutation on a gene called BRCA1 that may predispose them to breast cancer.
Evidence for ADGRL3 in ADHD risk had already been stacked against it — common variants of the gene predispose people to ADHD and predict severity of the disorder.
«Ultimately, this sheds new light on how this gene actually predisposes to diabetes.»
If a woman with a strong family history of breast and ovarian cancers tests negative for the BRCA1 / 2 genes, that does not mean her relatives are not at risk, says Daly — her siblings could still carry the gene, or there could be additional genes present that predispose them to cancer that clinicians don't yet know how to test for.
Perhaps DNA damage from subtle but common variations in the WS gene may predispose people to vascular disease, cataracts and diabetes, even if they don't suffer from a full - blown form of the disease.
This incompletely inactivation of genes on the X chromosome, including many immunity - related genes, may help explain why females are predisposed to many autoimmune conditions and also have stronger immune responses than males.
Scientists have discovered over 30 new genes that predispose people to allergies and asthma, some of which could be targets for new drugs.
Individuals with the insomnia - linked genes also appeared predisposed to depression, obesity and cardiovascular diseases.
To answer the question, the group performed «whole exome sequencing» of family members to, effectively, take snapshots of each protein - producing gene in the chromosomes of these people predisposed to ALL.
Kriegel thinks genes might predispose some people to lupus, but the disorder is triggered and sustained by bacteria.
The researchers found that 18 different genes harbored cancer - predisposing mutations in those 125 families, but each affected person carried a mutation in only one gene.
We wanted to do see if there's something unique they have in common with them — wellness genes that would protect you from cancer if you were genetically predisposed to getting it.
This spring, a group of geneticists urged labs to actively look for incidental findings, such as certain genes predisposing to breast and ovarian cancer, and return those results whether people want them or not.
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