Sentences with word «predjudice»

He has a history of predjudice against any religion that isn't his.
I think it should be decided between the 2 schools... the other school is willing to change the date / time,,, this TAPPS board is a bunch of predjudiced morons...
Hi Stephen, why be so politically correct with the term «Culture Wars» it's simply «Religious Wars» — you in the U.S. are way too hung up on religion which also brings massive predjudice (gays, abortion)-- that's why Romney probably won't get elected and that whack job religious nut Santorum will get crushed by Obama, because he won't pick up any of the moderates.
You should call it the «Predjudice Wars»!
Yes, but how are we supposed to discrimiate others with our own predjudices with critical thinking like that?
We the people are no longer going to let a religion's predjudices effect others.
Goes to show you just how predjudice the republicans are to come up with something like this.
Nevermind, thankfully I overcame my pink predjudice when I worked through that other shit.
Without Predjudice means that EITHER party can bring this suit back up, including Jane's counter suit.
The idiocy and predjudices behind the ranking of the ten most intelligent and ten least intelligent breeds of dogs.
I think I will make one for my daughter with Pride and Predjudice in it, and Wuthering Heights for me.
You will have a life of predjudice and hate.
History would show you that lthese areas are just as likely to promote war and predjudice.
The left is full of race baters and predjudices.
Please get over your hatred and predjudices that make it impossible for you to think clearly.
Our fear and apprehensions of the Muslim Faith isn't born out predjudice but out of past history and out of the hate that we hear coming from their leadership.
And because «their way» is the «only» way it stirs the fires of predjudice and ultimately hate.
Ignorant people will always seek out religion to give them cover for their predjudices and fears.
ALL christian versions - sects scour the Bible, selecting the passages that most closely conform to their particular bias - predjudice - belief... and if they cant find a verbatim verse, they twist an ambiguity to suit them.!!
The FA and the majority of the UK punditry and sports journalists recocognise this and we're predjudiced according whether this is a conscious concenscous against Arsenal is doubtful, but the anti-arsenal predjudice is there.
I found the perfect print for what I was looking to do — a series of designs by Peacoquette, which depicted an illustration of Jane Austen's Pride and Predjudice, drawn in 1805 and turned into a perfect, seamless border print.
However, the robot befriends a nine - year - old boy named Hogarth who must save it from the predjudices of the...
The common words my college students can't spell, year after year, include these: predjudice, tradgedy, existance, recieve, seperate, dilemna, professer, mischieviously, exagerrate, bananna, and embarass.
Vulnerable members of society still find themselves at the mercy of those who have more power and predjudices.
I have to fight the predjudice and the stereotypes almost every day.
Pride and Predjudice (TV version) Emma Sense and Sensibiliy Vanity Fair Anne of Green Gables Anne of Avonlea
Other clips (5 or more) are from the BBC version of Pride & Predjudice.
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