Sentences with phrase «preexisting health problems»

Retail pet stores often knowingly sell animals with preexisting health problems stemming from inhumane conditions.
Keeping to the theme of global warming exacerbating, instead of creating, problems, Mashable notes that most of the effects of climate change, at least through the middle of the century, will be to worsen preexisting health problems, rather than encourage the spread or emergence of diseases.
Regarding human health impacts, the report found that through the middle of this century, most of the effects of climate change will be seen through the worsening of preexisting health problems, rather than the emergence of new diseases or spread of diseases to new areas.
During extreme heat in India, the populations that were reported to perish in highest numbers were the very poor, elderly, outdoor laborers and homeless, likely with preexisting health problems and a lack of access to relief
If you have any preexisting health problems, please consult a physician before taking DHEA.
He will ask you if you have any preexisting health problems and will probably request a copy of your medical records.
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