Sentences with phrase «preface things»

It is really not that weird, I don't know why I always preface things that I say like that.
If you've read my about page you'd know that although I am a big fan of healthy eating, sometimes I like to splurge on things I wouldn't necessarily label as «nutritious» and since the name of my blog is Nutritious Eats I have to preface things by saying this pie is not one of those «nutritious...
I should probably preface this thing with a warning: there are humongous spoilers ahead.

Not exact matches

In contrast, Caldecott states in the first line of his preface: «The book is about Tolkien's spirituality, by which I mean his religious awareness and experience, the things he believed about life and death and ultimate truth» (p xi).
Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing, like his other Edifying Addresses, is directed in the preface to hiin Enkelte, «that solitary individual.»
Kierkegaard apparently intended to attach a much longer preface to Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing than the one which appeared there.
Kierkegaard's own brief preface to Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing does little more than begin this process, and tempts me to suggest that one who is not familiar with other works of Kierkegaard, will find himself still better prepared for immersion in this address if he turns immediately to Section Twelve and reads from that point to the end.
Likewise, a collection of the essays that preface The Green Bible, coupled perhaps with an anthology of relevant portions of Scripture, would surely have been a useful and valuable thing.
To bring the report to a wide audience we added an interpretive preface, «The Evidence of Things Unnoticed,» a foreword from William Bennett, and a brief letter to alumni from our financial backer, Thomas Klingenstein.
Sabio: I thought of this just after I posted it... that people might assume this is my belief... when what I MEANT to say was, «According to Christian theology...», which is how I might preface such things in the future.
If the blessings were only for the deserving, very likely they would be stated at the end of the sermon, probably prefaced with the conditional clause, «If you have done all these things
But things go awry before the end of the book's preface, in which the self - professed «good Catholic girl» makes clear her rejection of the unjust Christian god.
(A preface, I don't like things terribly sweet.)
First, I'd like to preface all this by saying that things are generally great.
First let me preface this with I am not a Sixers medical expert («expert» is a loose term for them nowadays), but I am a doctorate of physical therapy student who knows a thing or two about shoulder rehab.
Let me just preface this entire story with: the hardest thing about this recipe is figuring out what to call it.
If you read my birth story you would see that I prefaced the entire thing by saying it was the choice I made, but that I pass no judgement on anyone who has a different journey.
Let me preface my sad, sorry tale of attachment parenting gone horribly awry by saying this: I do not think attachment parenting in and of itself is a bad thing.
First, we want to preface this by saying: you don't technically need any of these things.
Let me preface this column about prefacing by saying it's not always a bad thing, and sometimes can be used appropriately.
I'm pretty sure there's a cosmic rule in parenting: If you preface any statement with «I will never, ever, ever...» before you actually have children, your chances of doing that thing increase exponentially.
Former shadow leader of the House Chris Bryant kicked things off when he rose to ask a question and prefaced it by wishing the Speaker «happy kiss - a-ginger day».
Before you think that your favorite boxing or spin class in under attack, let me preface this by saying that aerobic exercise can do amazing things for your body.
Let me preface this with it's okay if you have done these things, but now you know - So, act accordingly and share with others!
I'll preface this with I don't actually drink coffee (I'm a chai tea girl), and I'm writing this in my pjs in bed with a glass of white wine — I'm still trying to make #whitewineemoji a thing.
It's a harrowing place to begin the story (with the clean - up job excruciating in its unease), but once we get into the proper plot it prefaces — a mystery / slasher genre piece — things get a lot less gripping.
Prefacing his discussion of Sebring, he stated that he «owed it to the fans to talk about all the things we do wonderfully well... but there are going to be times when we race where we don't do things so wonderfully well».
«Perhaps a corpse would be re-animated; galvanism had given token of such things: perhaps the component parts of a creature might be manufactured, brought together, and endued with vital warmth,» she wrote in the preface to the 1831 edition of Frankenstein.
He then obliges us by sorting through some thoughts on where things might be, as a preface to his answers:
«A poem is a small but powerful thing,» he says in his thought - provoking preface while noting that, throughout his life, he's been inspired by poetry.
«A poem is a small but powerful thing,» he says in his thought - provoking preface, and in this beautiful book, along with his coauthors, poets Chris Colderly and Marjory Wentworth, Alexander offers a collection of 20 poems.
A few things to preface this review: the book is older, with this edition published in 1990.
Let me preface my comments by saying that this looks like a good food so I am nitpicking a few things here just because it has so many ingredients that you don't usually see in dog foods.
Let me preface this review by saying one thing; I hate rouge - lite games.
Moby Francke kicked things off with an extensive discussion of Team Fortress 2, prefacing the new with an examination of the old.
In the preface to National Geographic Infographics, a book comprised of the magazine's best infographics from the past 128 years, deputy creative director Kaitlin Yarnall writes about the art department's undertaking: «Things too small (atoms!)
The Studio School catalog is prefaced by one of Carone's precepts: «The process is to draw the thing unseen and to match it with that which is seen with experience.»
It needs to be used with the NRDC movie The Acid Test, which does say some extreme things prefaced by «some scientists say...» which is valid.
The amended Act is prefaced on a desire to, among other things, advance «Canada's ability to participate in a knowledge economy driven by innovation and network connectivity is fostered by encouraging the use of digital technologies for research and education.»
The book's preface is written by Carolyn Elefant, who, as founder of and author of the book Solo by Choice, has demonstrated that she knows a thing or two about building a law practice.
He told me that when he mentors aspiring journalists he prefaces his remarks by saying, «the first thing you must learn is that you are not writing for your own pleasure.
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