Sentences with phrase «prefer human faces»

Studies show that newborns prefer human faces to all other patterns or colors.
Scholarly studies have shown that infants prefer human faces over other objects in their environment.
Studies show that babies tend to prefer human faces to other forms of visual stimulation so you should work to keep your face close to your child when they are young.
Just as your baby naturally prefers the human face over any other visual pattern, he also prefers the human voice to other sounds.

Not exact matches

I prefer face to face conversations and human interaction versus using technology.
This corresponds to a previous study by Professor Vainio's research group, where it was found that dogs prefer viewing conspecific faces over human faces.
As it is, I'm stuck grumpily preferring every one of Oldman's competitors: Denzel Washington, doing his most under - the - skin work in years in «Roman J. Israel, Esq.»; Daniel Day - Lewis, capping this stage of his career in commandingly elegant fashion in «Phantom Thread»; Daniel Kaluuya, putting an indelibly human face on black suffering and retribution in «Get Out»; and my favorite of the bunch, Timothée Chalamet, who took us on perhaps the year's most intimate emotional journey in «Call Me by Your Name.»
Some still prefer the face - to - face human interaction and the direct approach and guidance a coach could give.
The first task that the children faced was to suitably assign roles, determining which students fancied testing their credentials at the upper - echelons of the hierarchy, fulfilling director positions, and alternatively which pupils preferred a more hands - on role within the respective teams for each departmental function, typically associated with any operating company — Marketing, Finance, human Resources, Production etc..
Many consumers prefer working face - to - face with a real human being.
This corresponds to a previous study by Professor Vainio's research group, where it was found that dogs prefer viewing conspecific faces over human faces.
But Obama faces a reality that many of these groups seem slow to recognize: While the 20th - century toolkit preferred by traditional environmentalists — litigation, regulation and legislation — remains vital to limiting domestic pollution risks such as the oil gusher, it is a bad fit for addressing the building human influence on the climate system, which is driven now mainly by a surge in emissions mostly outside United States borders in countries aiming to propel their climb out of poverty on the same fossil fuels that generated much of our affluence.
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