Sentences with phrase «preference candidate came»

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Had some Republicans not voted for their candidate, the centrist Democrat — for whom most Republicans cast their second preferences — would have made it to the second round and beat the left - wing Progressive, who went on to win despite coming second in the first round.
With no candidate getting over 50 % support, the second preferences of other candidates would come into play.
In this system, second preferences come into play when no candidate in a constituency achieves an outright majority of the vote.
It's hard to deny that the odds aren't brilliant for the other candidates and I don't intend to argue the case here for my own first preference candidate: Ed Balls, by the way, but I do want to explain why the Milibands will be coming last on my ballot paper.
* The joint Ulster Unionist / Conservative party candidate, Jim Nicholson, did well, coming close behind the DUP on first preference votes.
When it comes to intensity of support, 54 % of likely Democratic voters with a candidate preference for comptroller strongly support their choice of candidate.
Unless any candidate wins more than 50 per cent of the votes (unlikely in the Labour race), he or she can easily be overtaken; the candidate coming last is eliminated in each round and the second preference votes of those who backed him or her are redistributed until one candidate secures more than 50 per cent.
There has long been an employer preference for candidates coming directly from another employer, sometimes even a rival.
A resume that has a vague objective and experiences in diverse fields would not get a preference as such applicant comes across as an irresponsible and unfocused candidate.
Each will have their own personal preferences and perspectives when it comes to reviewing your resume and extracting the information they need to determine if you are a viable candidate to them.
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