Sentences with phrase «preferred future»

They would prefer that future immigration levels either stay the same or go down — increasing future immigration is the least popular option.
Should investors seeking leveraged positions in gold prefer futures or leveraged exchanged - traded funds (ETF)?
Needless to say, storing at least 1000 barrels of oil is inconvenient, so most investors prefer futures.
Experience suggests that the difference between those who reach escape velocity and achieve exponential growth — and the rest — lies in the willingness to envisage and create preferred futures where we shape both the nature of the game and the rules by which it is played.
Using solution - focused language in conversations with a student or another teacher, or with a parent... even in your own family — if you can acknowledge the issue, move the conversation forward fairly quickly and identify preferred futures and options, then potential stress and anxiety that people experience will be reduced.
And he was not surprised the survey showed twice as many would prefer a future coalition with Labour than the Conservatives.
I would like an attractive woman to live with me in the united kingdom with the intention of man and wife and to be treated with mutual respect in a happy loving relationship my future wife to work only as the housewife if she prefers
But I'd still prefer future models bring full wireless inductive charging.
We will work together to establish your goals and discover solutions for the issues in order for you to move toward a more preferred future
Similarly preferred futures can be discussed in light of the client's own scale (e.g. «where on the scale would be good enough?
It is also the case that, according to opinion polls, Democrats and Republicans would prefer that future immigration policies favor skills and English proficiency.
Reexamine and recommit to a preferred future.
Through words, actions and beliefs, inspiring leaders know what their preferred future looks like and can show others exactly how to get there.
Though there's nothing wrong with a little speculation and dreaming of alternatives, constant checking out to wistfully imagine a preferred future is a sure sign that you need to change careers right away.
It means having the audacity to dream about what could be and painting a compelling picture of a preferred future.
Rafael Honigstein has claimed that Mesut Ozil's preferred future is to remain at Arsenal Football club, whilst insisting that a move to Manchester United is not an option.
«This is what will change the world... a ground swell of people pouring their energy into manifesting their «preferred future» instead of being worn down by disillusion and disappointment.»
«Our goal for the Network D Young Men's program is to provide supports for our young men to reach their preferred future,» Harris said.
They prefer future gas tax hikes to remain automatic because that would help cut greenhouse gas pollution.
University of Houston, Texas About Blog The mission of the Houston Foresight Program is to serve aspiring professional futurists and the world by providing high - quality foresight training to help individuals and organizations in business, government, education, and non-profits realize their preferred futures.
consolidating self - monitoring skills by checking how close or far away progress is at any given point to the course of a family's preferred future
In addition to looking back as we work towards leaving the family, we also will be opening up a co-constructed vista for a preferred future using the family's own resources that do not involve therapy.
checking how a family might know they are back on course for their preferred future after an inevitable setback
The therapist / counselor uses respectful curiosity to invite the client to envision their preferred future and then therapist and client start working towards it in small incremental steps.
[11] By helping people identify positive directions for change in their life and to attend to changes currently in process they wish to continue, SFBT therapists help clients construct a concrete vision of a preferred future for themselves.
By bringing small successes to awareness, and supporting clients to repeat their successful choices and behaviors, when the problem is not there or less severe, therapist facilitate client movement towards goals and preferred futures they have identified.
As early in the interview as respectfully possible to do so, [2] SF therapist / counselors invite the client to envision their preferred future by describing what their life will be like when the problem is either gone or being coped with so satisfactorily that it no longer constitutes a problem.
By helping people identify the things that they wish to change in their life and also to attend to those things that are currently happening that they wish to continue to have happen, SFBT therapists help their clients to construct a concrete vision of a preferred future for themselves.
By bringing these small successes to their awareness, and helping them to repeat these successful things they do when the problem is not there or less severe, the therapist helps the client move towards the preferred future that they have identified as a goal.
The therapist or counselor uses respectful curiosity to invite the client to envision their preferred future, and then together, they begin to attend to possible moves and action steps that moves the client closer towards their goal a reality.
1) Supporting people to explore their preferred futures.
2) Exploring when, where, with whom and how pieces of that preferred future are already happening.
I will have individual conversations with you that are focused on identifying your preferred future and what details you would like to be occurring in that future.
To schedule your individual therapy session in Keller, Texas, to building your preferred future, click here
Single - family detached homes are the preferred future housing choice for all generations, although the survey does reflect growing expectations that future housing will be either a duplex or townhouse, particularly for Millennials.

Phrases with «preferred future»

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