Sentences with phrase «pregnancy uterine infection»

It is important to treat it on time or else it may lead to preterm delivery, miscarriage, or post pregnancy uterine infection.

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Pregnancy loss in the second trimester can also be the result of maternal infection (bacterial vaginosis, amniotic infection), congenital conditions (uterine malformation), uncontrolled chronic illness (diabetes, hypertension), or placental problems (placental abruption, placenta previa).
Spaying also prevents pyometra which is a life - threatening uterine infection and, most importantly, pregnancy and unwanted or poorly bred puppies.
There are no major medical benefits to spaying at this age except a small decrease in the risk of uterine infection and the alleviation of the false pregnancy problems.
Un-spayed females: Breast cancer (50 % of intact females develop mamory tumors), uterine infections (pyometra), false pregnancies, mastitis, ovarian and uterine tumors, uterine torsion, uterine prolapse, vaginal hyperplasia and prolapse, chronic endometritis, cystic ovaries, and venereal sarcomoa.
Apart from the risk of unplanned pregnancies, it is well documented that intact female dogs have a significant risk of developing breast cancer and / or uterine infections.
However, if the dog has a uterine infection or false pregnancy, the uterus my feel full in palpation when it really is not.
Other benefits of spaying or neutering your pet rabbit will be avoiding urinary tract infections, uterine cancer, uterine disease, mammary gland disease, testicular cancer, as well as preventing any unwanted pregnancies.
Spayed females will avoid the risks of pregnancy and uterine infections, and will be far less likely to develop mammary cancer later in life.
Unspayed female cats suffer from a high incidence of mammary tumors, false pregnancies, uterine infections, and reproductive cancers.
It is done to prevent unwanted pregnancies, help control the pet population, and to decrease the risk of dangerous health conditions such as mammary (breast) cancer, uterine infections, and other types of cancers.
Spaying a female rabbit reduces the risk of mammary cancer, reproductive tumors, false pregnancies, and uterine infections.
She will avoid the risks of pregnancy and uterine infections, and she will be far less likely to develop mammary cancer later in life.
Unspayed female dogs suffer from a high incidence of mammary tumors, false pregnancies, uterine infections, and reproductive cancers.
For all critical emergencies, such as breathing problems, broken bones, bloat, uterine infections, dental problems, pregnancy or delivery complications, foreign bodies, or anything else requiring x-rays, please call your regular / full - service veterinarian or Veterinary Specialists & Animal Emergency Service at (585) 424-1277.
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