Sentences with phrase «preindustrial period»

The phrase "preindustrial period" refers to a time before machines and factories were widely used for manufacturing goods. It usually refers to the period before the 18th century when people relied mostly on manual labor and simple tools for producing items. Full definition
«In the North Pacific, this means temperature and precipitation patterns are different today than they were during the preindustrial period
(Concentrations have increased from 280 parts per million during the preindustrial period to 405.25 as of December 2016.)
Today (2006 - 2014) it is 0.8 °C warmer than in the preindustrial period in the middle of the 19th century.
Wang, I.S.A. Isaksen, T.K. Berntsen, J.K. Sundet, 2004: A global climate - chemistry model study of present - day tropospheric chemistry and radiative forcing from changes in tropospheric O3 since the preindustrial period, J. Geophys.
«In the North Pacific, this means temperature and precipitation patterns are different today than they were during the preindustrial period
Since the preindustrial period, pH has declined by approximately 0.1 pH unit corresponding to a 30 percent increase in acidity.
It shows that the CET's AMO agrees with the AMO Index and with the global mean after 1850 and agrees in phase with the multiproxy data in the preindustrial period.
Global temperatures rose by about 0.5 °C between the preindustrial period and 1980 — 1999; hence, current climate projections encompass a range of 1.6 — 6.9 °C for the end of the twenty - first century, relative to the preindustrial period.
Much of the warming seen during DJF over high northern latitudes is strongly controlled by each model's simulation of ice and snow cover during the preindustrial period, and how they respond to a warming climate.
The change in annual mean temperature for each simulation between the preindustrial period and 2090 — 2099 is given in the columns headed «ΔT (°C)».
Only the models that simulate the large areas of ice in the polar regions, which will have the coldest temperatures for the preindustrial period, can produce a large warming as the ice sheets recede.
Forty global climate model projections using the A2 scenario from the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report have been analysed, and a number of simulations that project a high - end warming of 4 °C or more by the 2090s (relative to the preindustrial period) were found.
Linear - fit to temperature since 1970 yields present temperature of 1.06 °C, which is perhaps our best estimate of warming since the preindustrial period.
You can explain to them, briefly and dispassionately, about the arc of the Clause's history from the preindustrial period through today, and how the Clause has been at the center of intense political and legal controversy all that time.
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