Sentences with phrase «prejudice against»

In God Help the Child, the protagonist, Bride, despite her mother's prejudice against her skin tone, produces her own cosmetic line.
If there is a prejudice against female authors, as the writer of an article I came across at the Passive Voice thinks, then it is not among the readers, but the gatekeepers.
At The Art and Craft of Writing Creatively, Cheryl Shireman guest blogs about the prejudice against indie writers with Dear Traditionally Published Writer.
Instead of spending time trying to convince bloggers who may have a prejudice against self - published books that time can be spent connecting with readers who don't!
I was surprised and saddened about the prejudice against the Algerian workers.
Fortunately, the long - held prejudice against digital magazines is being alleviated by publishers such as Time, Inc., as they begin to offer genuine pricing on subscription models.
It's not even a prejudice against YA, because I love some YA books.
Katin, a Holocaust survivor, carries an understandable prejudice against all things German, so when her son announced that he was moving to Berlin, it set off a visceral, panicked reaction.
I was immediately struck by the use of color as a means of defining prejudice, in this case prejudice against those who commit crimes, much as its been a means of defining racism for centuries
Much of it had to do with prejudice against Japanese cars, since they got the blame for the decline of Detroit in the 1980s.
Trustee John Lee Evans, who has defended the district's graduation numbers, characterized scrutiny of the graduation rate as prejudice against students of color.
This distinction is significant because, although the Blaine Amendments appear to stem from prejudice against Catholic immigrants, none of the amendments actually mention the Catholic faith or any tradition or denomination in particular.
The Becket Fund claims that the Blaine Amendments are unconstitutional because their creation stemmed from prejudice against Catholicism.
«Not teachers» unions, dysfunctional families, lazy students or black prejudice against a Korean American schools chancellor, but reluctance by the city's haves to share classrooms with the have - nots.»
What is the source of the prejudice against the highly and profoundly gifted?
In 2013, The Guardian's anonymous «Secret Teacher» column titled «There's an Insidious Prejudice Against Older Teachers» describes a veteran teacher's unsettling fear that Teach First, which sounds eerily like England's version of Teach for America, was being highlighted as the answer to education problems — older teachers were cast as culprits.
The author's bold claim is that a prejudice against religious belief has become legitimized in American life and that those who take religion seriously have become increasingly vulnerable.
Early in the year, students are assigned a topic — prejudice against fat people, short people, Catholics, or blacks, for example.
The sharp segregation of these groups from mainstream opportunity limits their chances for social mobility and encourages prejudice against them.
It's my own personal prejudice against films that try to give me the cinematic equivalent of a kick to the groin (a genre that includes Roman Polanski's Repulsion, Takeshi Miike's Audition and Blue Velvet, among others).
The resulting portrayals of prejudice against the Chinese and Native Americans may have some worthwhile moments, however parents concerned about violence should exercise caution before welcoming this cowboy (and his amazing moves) into town.
If you live in a politically - correct bubble, you might persuade yourself that prejudice against gay or transgender people is unthinkable.
Posin says he hopes the picture will bridge the generation gap, but honestly, I can't see The Chumscrubber doing anything but reinforcing parental prejudice against teenagers.
I don't know why - maybe prejudice against seventies movies - but I wasn't expecting that.
«Pumping iron is a great feeling... like coming, but coming continuously,» smiles Arnold Schwarzenegger, relaxed in the confidence that he's demolishing another popular prejudice against bodybuilding.
Charlie Hunnam's performance captures a man trying to shed the prejudice against his social station by proving that every kind of prejudice is wrong, delivered with Gray's now - typical mix of thematic and visual depth.
For not only was there already an air of prejudice against the defendants due to their being Italian immigrants, but they were also admitted anarchists and advocates of violent revolution by any means necessary.
Anyways, its a modern tale of terrorism and family and divided loyalties, the tension and divisions are all too apparent... who really is responsible for this large division of peoples??? We only really have to blame ourselves, and everyone must share this responsibilty of bias and prejudice against each other, or there will never be real peace, and there will always be extreme figures on both sides who will lead us astray on the path to destruction.
Are you still among those people, who have strong prejudice against online dating?
I was going to respond to a post last nite from a new blogger about S A prejudice against black sugar babies... but the post mysteriously disappeared.
Previous research shows the amount of college students hooking up hasn't actually risen in the past few decades, but is there prejudice against those students who do choose to hook up?
Anyway, the majority of normal people still have a prejudice against people with herpes.
AIDS — VIENNA — The first Catholic dating website in Austria has grown rapidly since it went online in 2005, helping around 1,000... why he believes prejudice against using internet dating sites is diminishing, and why Catholic dating sites...
Except the crazy prejudice against the «critter» flip.
And if my brother and I argued with my father about race — he was an Irishman of the old school, and he hated the English so much he didn't have much energy to hate anyone else — but he had a mild prejudice against blacks.
The dietetic value of the fruit is misunderstood and the prejudice against it entirely unjustified.
PSYCHOLOGY • Even subtle reminders of the stereotypical prejudice against one's sex, race or religion can hinder performance in school, work and athletics.
The prejudice against a mathematics that could not be expressed strictly by equations did not exist when Taimina grew up in Latvia under Soviet - style math schooling.
A review officer will try to avoid sending your proposals to someone who has an unreasonable prejudice against your work, or who might have a competitive bias.
«Our findings show that terrorism shifts public attitudes towards greater loyalty to the in - group, less concern with fairness, and greater prejudice against Muslims and immigrants, but it seems that this effect is stronger on those who are politically left - leaning than those who are right - leaning,» explain psychological scientists from the Center for the Study of Group Processes at the University of Kent.
Thus, expressing prejudice against one group signifies a mindset that necessarily results in prejudice against multiple stigmatized groups.
The stigma associated with prejudice against women and people of color seems to transfer from one group to another, according to new findings published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.
Your May / June 2011 cover illustration may indicate a not too subtle prejudice against highly creative people.
«Those conversations led people to be durably less prejudice against transgender people for a least the three months that we have looked at them so far,» Broockman says.
Even subtle reminders of prejudice against one's sex, race or religion can hinder performance in school, work and athletics.
Compared with anti-woman sexism or misandry (hatred or fear of, or strong prejudice against men), misogyny is usually regarded as directed against women by some men, though women can also hold misogynistic views.
Students exposed to the pro-black videos also expressed less prejudice against black people on a standardized questionnaire.
Leandre did not elaborate on his personal association with the Nation of Islam, which has been accused of promoting anti-Semitism and prejudice against whites, but said his alliances are made with the district's best interests in mind.
Whilst many SACREs recognise this and benefit greatly from the input of humanist representatives — I was formerly the chair and a full member of Westminster SACRE — others still display an archaic prejudice against those with non-religious beliefs.
Most attacks on Blue Labour are similar to Bragg's: a knee - jerk reaction, and prejudice against anything conservative.
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