Sentences with phrase «premature labour»

You should check with your doctor or midwife, however, if you are at risk of premature labour or have any pain or bleeding during pregnancy.
Many mothers of twins and multiple babies go into premature labour spontaneously.
There are a number of other risk factors for premature labour and delivery.
Others may need to have premature labour induced because of complications during pregnancy.
Knowing these risks can help you and your health care provider determine whether you will need special care to prevent premature labour.
If you went into premature labour now, your baby would be cared for in a special care baby unit, and would have a very good chance of survival.
There are a number of signs of what might be the onset of premature labour.
Another major risk factor for premature labour and delivery is being pregnant with twins or multiple babies.
If you are at high risk of going into premature labour, your health care provider can take special precautions to ensure the best outcomes for you and your baby.
Pregnancy Problems — Certain pregnancy problems can cause premature labour including bacterial infections, an abnormality of the uterus and cervical weakness.
That rate jumps to 10 times if your previous premature labour occurred before the 28th week of pregnancy.
Birth experience may be harder, the risk of premature labour higher and you are more likely to have to endure a caesarean section.
Roughly speaking, if premature labour can be held off until the 34th week of pregnancy or later, delivery will proceed in a similar fashion as a normal delivery.
Meanwhile, way too many on the left have equally rapidly immersed themselves in a ridiculously premature Labour leadership election that provides a handy duvet beneath which to hide from electoral and political reality.
For example, they are also used to: reduce the risk of premature labour in pregnant women; treat postnatal depression (PND); resolve pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS); and rebalance thyroid levels.
Others may need to have premature labour induced because of fetal growth restriction, hypertension in the mother, or a condition called placental abruption where the placenta comes away from the walls of the uterus.
If your health care provider thinks you are high risk for premature labour, she may suggest that you refrain from having sexual intercourse.
Moreover, the onset of premature labour may have no symptoms at all.
Should you go into premature labour, and your baby born premature, your baby would be taken to a special care baby unit, but they would have an extremely good chance of survival.
This means your waters could break before you get to full term, leading to premature labour.
This could lead to premature labour, and in some cases, a late miscarriage.
Pregnancy complications — These could be pre-diagnosed or complications that develop during the early stages of labour e.g. preeclampsia, premature labour, a baby in the breech position or if you're having twins or more
Premature labour is labour that happens before the 37th week of pregnancy.
It is also beneficial to read up on symptoms of premature labour, and how to distinguish these from practice «Braxton Hicks» contractions, to ensure you are in the safest position if this should occur.
If you had a previous premature labour, your chance of having another premature labour increases two and a half times.
By the time it is realized that premature labour is happening, it may be too late to do much.
Once the contractions have been stopped with the tocolytic agent, the woman remains at high risk for having another episode of premature labour, and is thus monitored closely.
Premature birth most frequently comes as a result of the onset of premature labour, specifically, a premature rupture of the fetal membranes, or a condition called incompetent cervix, where the cervix opens up before the time that it should.
There are a number of factors that can put a pregnant woman at higher risk for having a premature labour and delivery.
A worry I had was that in my last pregnancy I had undiagnosed gestational diabetes and that was what brought on my premature labour because we were doing quite a few tests around my sugars as they kept coming back «strange».
If left untreated, ICP can lead to premature labour and increase the risk of stillbirth.
A lot of moms said they went into premature labour and had nothing packed, which added to their stress of having to get to the hospital early.
You should check with your doctor or midwife, however, if you are at risk of premature labour or have any pain or bleeding during pregnancy.
I have been gorging on Medjool dates ever since the start of my pregnancy, and I am neither fat, nor at risk of premature labour, so I wouldn't worry about it!
This increases your risk of miscarriage and premature labour.
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