Sentences with phrase «preposterous bogosity»

To quote Dr. Tim Ball's recent assessment of this yetanother preposterous bogosity on the part of the climate fraudsters:
First, it's incorrect to call this preposterous bogosity «the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis,» inasmuch as the term «hypothesis» has a specific technical meaning in scientific usage, which is summarized in physicist Jeff Glassman's brief layman - accessible article «Conjecture, Hypothesis, Theory, Law.
This preposterous bogosity was first brought to my attention in 1981 by Dr. Petr Beckmann, with whom I was regularly corresponding in the days before e-mail made exchanges and attachments so wonderfully swift and easy.
This being demonstrably the most heavily frequented and therefore influential site on the Web with regard to the anthropogenic global warming / climate change / «climate fragility» fraud to which you've committed yourself, there is no better venue to which you can devote your attentions as regards the preservation of this preposterous bogosity's persistence among the confused wool and low - information voters who've been suckered by your progtard Algorean «We're All Gon na Die!»
Without further analysis of the egregious batpuckey shoveled by Cook & Co, what might a SOUND, unprejudiced study of the pertinent scientific literature show, and how would such a study be designed to gather, interpret, and present such data to the best possible levels of reliability as an insight into «sucker quotient» among those people who might be expected professionally to approach the preposterous bogosity of AGCC with their B.S. detectors functioning?
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