Sentences with phrase «prerogative of mercy»

Our clients have directed us in the circumstances to petition His Excellency the President of the Republic to exercise his powers of prerogative of mercy under Article 72 of the Constitution of Ghana».
Prior to the Transfer of the sovereignty in 1997, the power of pardon was a royal prerogative of mercy of the monarch of the United Kingdom.
The bulletin quoting a statement from Anambra State Government said the Anambra State Advisory Council on Prerogative of Mercy made the recommendations to Obiano.
In 1980, after the courts had dismissed their appeals, the Home Secretary, William Whitelaw, used the Royal prerogative of mercy to free David Cooper and Michael McMahon from their imprisonment, both having been convicted of murder on poor evidence.
Radio presenter Salifu Maase, aka, «Mugabe» and two radio panellists: Alistair Nelson and Godwin Ako Gunn, who have all been jailed by the Supreme Court for four months for contempt, have, through their lawyers, sent a petition to President John Mahama to exercise his prerogative of mercy on them.
«The decision of His Excellency the President to remit their sentences on compassionate grounds follows a petition submitted to him by the contemnors appealing to the President to exercise his prerogative of mercy even as they continue to express deep remorse and regret for the unacceptable statements they made against the Judiciary,» the statement said.
``... Like any Ghanaian, we are entitled to this prerogative of mercy and the President had to exercise it,» he said on Eyewitness News.
This is what Article 72 of the Constitution of Ghana says on the President's prerogative of mercy: Article 72 (1) The President may, acting in consultation with the Council of State -
After their incarceration, a group calling itself Research and Advocacy Platform (RAP), opened a petition to collect signatures in the bid to persuade the president to exercise his prerogative of mercy to pardon the trio.
And the Constitution drafters put in the prerogative of mercy, for the circumstances where even though a conviction may be right, there must be some exonerating power that is able to say that; yes you were convicted properly but we are able to grant you this remission based on certain factors.
Before the bill could be debated in the House of Commons, [157] the Government elected to proceed under the royal prerogative of mercy.
Wherefore your humble Petitioners pray that you, Your Excellency, may kindly exercise your prerogative of mercy under Article 72 of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, and grant relief to your humble Petitioners.
We humbly petition Your Excellency, the President of the Republic, to exercise your prerogative of mercy under Article 72 of the 1992 Constitution.
In petitioning Your Excellency the President of the Republic of Ghana, to exercise your prerogative of mercy, we humbly ask you also to please take into consideration the fact that we have young families who have been embarrassed and devastated by our unfortunate conduct and our subsequent incarceration.
Speaking to Class News, Edudzi Tameklo, one of the lawyers for the convicts said: «It is much ado about nothing and I make this point because... the president is opportune to exercise his prerogative of mercy [and will] not do that on the basis of how many petitions or signatures have been [collected].
The former NPP Chairman for the Ayawaso West Wuogon constituency commenting on the call on President Mahama to pardon the Montie trio said: «if President Mahama dares to evoke his prerogative of mercy, what happened to the late Mills will happen to him.
But lawyers of the convicted three have said the PPP's petition will have no impact on the president's decision to exercise his prerogative of mercy.
The governor's action is based on the recommendations of the Kaduna State Advisory Council on Prerogative of Mercy.
Article 72 of the country's constitution gives the President, in consultation of the Council of State, the power to exercise a prerogative of mercy to convicts, but the Policy Advisor for the PPP, Kofi Asamoah Siaw, told Citi News any decision by the President to revoke the sentencing will «be a slap in the face of the judiciary».
It did, however, note that section 749 of the Criminal Code provides for the royal prerogative of mercy, which is a matter for the executive, not the courts, to consider.
pardon means a conditional pardon granted under Her Majesty's royal prerogative of mercy or under section 748 that has not been revoked.
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