Sentences with phrase «prescribe medicated»

To relieve itching, veterinarians may prescribe medicated shampoos, topical medications and / or oral medications.
For more severe infestations, your vet may prescribe a medicated spray or an oral medication.
The vet may also prescribe medicated eye drops.
Your vet may prescribe a medicated shampoo for more serious skin issues.
Sometimes, vets could prescribe medicated baths when your cat has ringworms.
Gently wipe nipple and areola with warm water after each feeding prior to re-applying the prescribed medicated ointment.
However, if your dog is prescribed a medicated shampoo for a skin condition, frequent bathing may be necessary.
Of course, if dermatological conditions arise, then bathing with a prescribed medicated shampoo may be recommended.
If the vet prescribed a medicated shampoo, be sure to follow the instructions exactly.
Our groomers are also trained to work with various prescription shampoos, soaking your pet in a medicated bath with your veterinarian prescribed medicated shampoo.

Not exact matches

I also don't ever use my medicated cream that my dermatologist prescribed me.
Medicated dandruff shampoos, cortisone creams and antifungal creams can help, but use them only if your baby's doctor prescribes them.
«But there are other times when people start to take more than they're prescribed because they're trying to medicate something other than pain.
I also don't ever use my medicated cream that my dermatologist prescribed me.
Some medicated drugs to treat herpes sometimes because diarrhea a couple of times a day there for patients are advised to consume non prescribed diarrhea tablets.
During the period that your pet is being medicated, they should remain under close observation and be checked for any negative reaction to prescribed medications.
If you are wary of some of the medicated oils and lotions which are prescribed and sold for your dog, there are alternatives.
Topical treatment includes anti-yeast shampoo, medicated wipes, and medicated creams, which may be prescribed to address infections of the skin or around the ears.
You may try using a medicated shampoo for scaly skin which may be purchased from a pet store or for infectious causes, antibiotics would need to be prescribed.
Don't use a medicated shampoo unless your veterinarian has prescribed it for your cat.
Medicated eye drops may be prescribed to prevent or treat infection.
One or multiple medicated home care products may be prescribed to be used daily.
Topical medications or medicated shampoos are effective in many cases, though, in some cases your veterinarian may prescribe an oral antifungal medication if necessary.
Medicated lotions, ointments, or shampoos are often prescribed.
Medicated shampoos not only help remove allergens from the skin but also can be prescribed for specific skin conditions.
These allergies are the most common reason to use a medicated and / or anti-itch dog shampoos, or a type of veterinary dog shampoo that's prescribed.
Medicated eye drops may also be prescribed.
If your dog is seen by a veterinary professional for his skin condition, you may be prescribed the best medicated dog shampoo for the job.
Medicated baths and dips given over a period of several weeks are typically prescribed by vets, and your pup may need antibiotics if any skin infection is noted.
Prednisone is sold as 1, 5, 10, and 20 mg tablets, so your vet will prescribe the pill closest to your dog's dose for easier medicating.
Frequent baths, with a medicated shampoo prescribed by a veterinarian, will also help give them immediate relief if they are itchy and will wash away any allergens on their coats.
He prescribed costly medicated shampoos, lotions, flea products, none of which produced relief.
In some cases, your veterinarian may prescribe oral drugs or medicated baths.
If prescribed, follow medicated shampoo with a medicated rinse which may be left on for 10 minutes and rinsed off or massaged into coat and skin while wet and left dry as prescribed by your dermatologist.
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