Sentences with phrase «prescribed number of reps»

This counts as one rep. Continue for the prescribed number of reps or time.
Starting with the Clean to Press, you are going to move through each exercise for the prescribed number of reps with no rest until you complete your last rep of the Mountain Climber.
Your goal is NOT to put the kettlebell (s) down until you finish the prescribed number of reps for each movement in the circuit.
That counts as one rep.. After completing the prescribed number of reps, finish the set with double - leg extensions to failure.
Complete the prescribed number of reps with your left knee down and right knee up, then switch legs.
If you have a hard time reaching the prescribed number of reps, rest 10 to 30 seconds and then continue repping out.

Not exact matches

Here's how: you will train your biceps twice a week for four weeks with the following six - move workout made up of three supersets, performing all exercises in consecutive order with the prescribed number of sets, reps rest periods and tempo.
For straight sets, simply perform the designated number of reps, rest for the prescribed time and then repeat.
Tips and Safety: No matter what weight you use, if you don't have a full squat, you would be much better served to squat with the intention of integrated depth instead of simply pushing out reps to hit the numbers prescribed.
You'll then dorsi - flex the ankle / foot (i.e., pull your toes up) for the desired number of reps prescribed (typically 10 - 12).
After completing the prescribed reps for each exercise in the circuit, rest for 2 minutes and then repeat for the prescribed number of rounds.
A ladder is when you do a series of two or more exercises with a certain number of reps. With each round, you do one MORE or one LESS rep, depending on what's prescribed.
This completes one rep, continue for the prescribed number of repetitions.
As a rule of thumb, for a given number of reps rest intervals should be 60 - 80 % of the ones prescribed for other bodyparts, the upper range being for stronger individuals.
This time around you can stick to the variations and number of reps prescribed in the program more faithfully, or you can even do more difficult variations and more reps.
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