Sentences with phrase «presence of women»

My cartoon and post make reference to his ideas about the offensive presence of women's bodies in the teaching role.
The two appointments add to the growing presence of women shaping the city's art museums.
After the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001, the increasing presence of women in the Parliament, occupying seats alongside «warlords» and other prominent male figures, has been a progressive step.
Already, the exhibition's goal is a challenging one, and developed as a response to the underrepresentation of women's art in a city that now enjoys a strong presence of women artists, it is perhaps of no surprise that the exhibition features over 100 works by more than 50 artists.
But the increasing presence of women with feminist sympathies in positions of leadership in the church may open the way to more radical changes in due course.
It is not surprising that Mary Abbott was one of the dozen chosen to represent the influences and strong presence of women painters working in this genre.
From advancing women leaders through comprehensive leadership programs, to a stronger presence of women amongst managers and driving a leadership position in supporting employees with disabilities to ensure an inclusive workplace where all can contribute — P&G was a shining star for inclusion.
Notice also the curious presence of women in Matthew's list: Ruth, a non-Jewess, and Rahab and Bathsheba, whose moral characters were not exactly of the best.
We need the active presence of woman in public and professional life; but a presence by which she brings with her the best of her feminine qualities, and not one where she declines into a servile imitation of men in the ruthless efficiency, the heartless dealing with persons, the manipulation of people and circumstances that so many men seem capable of.
How to reconcile a creed of nonviolence with the actual presence of women soldiers on the scene?)
The mounting evidence, provided by Hilary Fisher of Women's Aid, is that the mere presence of women in what some men see as «men's space» is enough to provoke violent response.
Jack has probably never been in the powerful presence of a woman such as Mathilde, or had to deal with the raw honesty of a woman like Clara.
The slow but steady rise in stature and market presence of women artists and arts professionals is noted in Rose Hoare's CNN piece, «From Muse to Money Maker», 31 October 2012.
The flood of cases reflects not just the increased presence of women in the workplace but also the growing difficulty Americans of all social backgrounds seem to be having in balancing the demands of work and family.
and finally, policies that promote greater diversity and in particular an increased presence of women in the governing bodies of organisations and companies in the legal industry.
In 2017, the presence of women in venture capital made feeble progress at the country's top firms.
A growing body of empirical research indicates a significant positive relationship between firm value and the presence of women and minorities on boards.
I would, and bet my husband would have, been more than happy to take solace in the presence of the woman who wrote the article.
and for a man to be able to love, and enjoy the presence of a woman is a true blessing from God, not just logical, but biblical.
In those days, the presence of women in high — ranking church circles — especially in the Vatican — was rare and raised suspicion.»
Jesus inaugurated his new kingdom in the presence of women.
There is no reason to believe that the presence of women in armies would make war more civilized.
Also, the presence of women, plus racial diversity, and denominational diversity, makes for a student body that's different from what it was a generation ago.
The presence of women who have had an abortion is one of the most important reasons why we should preach on abortion as a matter of pastoral compassion.
That Christ ushered in this new era of life and liberation in the presence of women, and that he sent them out as the first witnesses of the complete gospel story, is perhaps the boldest, most overt affirmation of their equality in his kingdom that Jesus ever delivered.
Really, my thankfulness was more about the presence of women in my life who extend to me a glimpse of wholeness and freedom.
The woman's femininity is revealed in the presence of the man and the man's masculinity is revealed in the presence of the woman.
Not being in the presence of women alone?
The midwives always worked together, but the presence of both women was comforting so that one could attend to the baby and one could attend to the mother in an emergency.
We've also looked at the presence of women behind the camera in the film industry and found that there's a great disparity there also.
In Jewish texts, a discussion of women's modesty centers around whether a man can pray in the presence of a woman with various body parts exposed.
The report also breaks down the presence of women in other legislative bodies.
As for the presence of women in government, the mayors say they bring a different perspective to the table: «I didn't go into government so that I could play by the same rules.
Some members objected to the presence of women, and some objected to favoritism in the choice of a summit team.
I think tasteful style can also accent a woman's natural beauty, and should draw attention to the presence of the woman & not just her clothes.
Catholic men enjoy being in the presence of women who are honest, honorable and humble.
Dates also must occur in the presence of the woman's relatives.
I love to be in the presence of a woman that knows what she wants and how to get it.
Acting in a shy or submissive manner when you are in the presence of a woman will not send her the right signals.
There's little doubt that Backyard ultimately fares best at the outset, as director Carlos Carrera devotes the lion's share of screen time to Bravo's investigation - which essentially ensures that the film initially comes off as a fairly intriguing police procedural (with the cultural differences - ie Bravo's superior laments the presence of women on the force because they think with their hearts rather than their heads - inevitably setting the movie apart from its American counterparts).
I, too, felt my guard go up but was calmed by the presence of another woman my age beside me.
I gazed at the man in the tuxedo suspiciously, but it was the presence of the woman that really set the alarm bells ringing.
According to the American Humane Association, 68 % of women in abusive relationships reported violence towards their pets (87 % of these incidents occurred in the presence of the women and 75 % in the presence of the children).
As a former booth babe, I'm honestly glad that the presence of women at this year's E3 was more on the industry side than the hired - via - craigslist side.
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