Sentences with phrase «present commented upon»

Not exact matches

Before commenting upon the State of Buyer Personas, highlights from the the survey results are presented:
It's that sense of worlds colliding, of unlikely paths crossing; your work life, home life, past life and present all mashing together, commented upon and decorated with photos from here and from there, from then and in the now.
Upon receiving the Cervantes Prize in 1979 («a generous blunder that I shamelessly accept,» he said), Borges commented in an interview that with the prize money — a million pesetas, to be shared with Spanish poet Gerardo Diego — he planned to buy the Espasa Calpe encyclopedia, which he eventually received as a present from the publishers.
SHINIQUE SMITH (Brooklyn, NY) Ms. Smith will present a bundled installation made from the collection and accumulation of unwanted objects, spiritual philosophies, and words, reflecting and commenting upon popular culture and global economies.
The curators purposefully selected this dystopic theme as a reflection of the present - day world, inviting a select, radical milieu of contemporary artists to comment upon, through installation, video, performance and new technologies, two forces.
I've presented the evidence in my site for anybody to read and comment upon.
Eric Lambin commented that «At the present moment in its history... humanity has embarked upon a vast experiment for which there is no central guidance, no long - range plan, no possibility of turning back, and no second chance.»
She writes, presents, publishes and is often called upon to comment in the media on obesity prevention policy issues.
In reviewing the articles in the present issue, we comment upon how researchers have attempted, with varying degrees of success, to meet these challenges.
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