Sentences with phrase «present decision»

The first way concerns what is usually thought of as efficient causation, the way in which past causal conditions affect present decisions.
Margrethe Vestager, the EU's commissioner for competition, argued shortly after presenting the decision in the summer that the ruling was «based on the facts,» which showed that Apple was paying a corporate tax rate of just 0.05 percent in Ireland.
(By attending to the characteristics of just one phase, and generalizing it, one can get a logical empiricism based on science, an existentialism based on present decision - making, or a pragmatism based on past and present as tools for shaping the future.)
Justices presented the decision as the Legislature's one last chance to fix inequitable funding, quoting from a school finance bill passed this year, House Bill 2655, that lawmakers had hoped would clear court review.
When OCD presents itself the decision your veterinarian will make is whether surgery is necessary or not.
As in If I Stay, Forman tells an emotionally wrenching story that believably captures the mature depth and intensity possible in teenage love as well as the infinite ways that grief of all kinds permeates daily life, from the wormholes of memory that spin out from small moments to the unconscious ways that past pain can influence present decisions.
The book strives to present decision making in response to ethical problems as transparently as possible, employing a range of ethical frameworks.
«the Review's near - zero social discount rate... puts present decisions on a hair - trigger in response to far - future contingencies.
How to Target and Present Decision Content: At the decision stage, agents want to build trust with prospects so they feel comfortable when they make the hiring decision.
Abbott, Austin, 1831 - 1896 Title Abbott's New York digest: table of cases criticised, presenting decisions of the courts of the state of New York, which have been affirmed, reversed or modified in error or on appeal, or examined and explained, limited, questioned, overruled, or approved and followed in later decisions of American or English courts, or by commentators and text writers: from the earliest period to January 1, 1887 / ed.
After testimony is concluded, the panel shall come to a decision and present the decision in writing to the person being charged, either by hand or by mail to the last address given by the student.
When Nordstrom dropped Ivanka Trump's fashion line earlier this month, the retailer tried as hard as it could to present the decision as apolitical, emphasizing that the decision was based on sales.
When OCD presents itself the decision your veterinarian will make is whether surgery is
But one's life is so coordinated that each present decision implies a larger decision, witting or unwitting, about the purpose of one s life as a whole, at least insofar as one's future can be anticipated.
In any case, there is a great risk of reducing the rich content of eschatology to a kind of instantaneousness of the present decision at the expense of the temporal, historical, communitarian, and cosmic aspects contained in the hope of the Resurrection.
Even Rudolf Bultmann, of whom Coakley is also critical, linked Christology with one assured fact, that Jesus came announcing the kingdom of God, but he did not ground the present decision of faith in his one fact.
But the present decision is not thereby fixed Simpson's past also provides and to some extent cherishes the alternative possibility of refusing to pay an oppressive, unjust Caesar.
To all such persons, future consequences appear irrelevant to present decision, and there is no purely ethical basis on which we can say they ought to consider them.
Prior to this present decision, the notion that an otherwise secular non-profit corporation might bring a free exercise claim was thought to be relatively improbable, but even in the case Ginsburg references (i.e. Gilardi), that court noted the non - profit / for - profit distinction is not dispositive.
I suspect that what you are is, like others, a decent and caring fan, but one who is mixing up criticism of the present decision makers with criticism of our club.
He said, «George is a life member of the PDP BoT because of the position he had held in the party as a Deputy National Chairman of the party and he remains a member of BoT despite his present decision to contest the national chairmanship of the party.»
As fast as it is, the system requires a supply of somatic markers, past emotional experiences that serve as guides for the present decision.
You need to be careful about how you present your decision to start your career in industry and your motivations for this latest change of course.
Find US Supreme Court decisions, opinions, and cases in FindLaw's searchable database of records beginning in April 1760 to the present
They then can present their decision to the rest of the class using the evidence.
She's the boss with the present decisions for Christmas and she had to decide if we were going to purchase only this one item for the children, or go with other toys on their Christmas list.
Differences with the previous reports are also highlighted — whether reinforcing, contradicting or offering new perspectives on earlier findings — as these too may have a bearing on past and present decisions.
«The changes in climate, being considered here, are at an unaccustomed distance in time for future planning, even beyond the lifetime of most of the present decision makers but not beyond intimate (family) association,» it said.
He will understand the technical aspects of the parties» arguments and present his decision in a clear manner.
In conclusion, the present Decision, full of controversial elements, does not seem to fall under the doctrine of acte clair at all.
If, therefore, a political organisation were in the future to be refused clearance in respect of a television advertisement which was entirely devoid of political content, the present decision would not necessarily be a bar to a successful challenge since in those circumstances, it might be held that the s 321 ban operated in a disproportionate manner.
Although at present this decision is somewhat of an outlier, employers should be aware that damages in lieu of reasonable notice for long - service employees — particularly those in supervisory roles whose age and specialization may make alternative employment harder to find — could exceed the traditional 24 - month «ceiling».
In particular, I do not believe the present decision to be a complete reversal relative to MSD v. Actavis.
In the present decision, the Alberta Court of Appeal taps the brakes on the trend towards greater access to dismissals.
Legislators and administrators can see and present their decisions being upheld as a sign of approval, an imprimatur, even though these decisions may still be not only unwise, but even morally wrong.
It appears that the present decision may allow an arbitral decision to be appealed if it qualifies as being a «final» award, even if it is not the last decision of the arbitrator which finally decides the dispute.
They may feel depressed, anxious, questioning their past and present decisions.
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