Sentences with phrase «present human situation»

We also forget that the Word of God can be adequately understood and interpreted only in its vital relation to our present human situation.

Not exact matches

When such rationalistic and scientific claims dominate not only in their proper domain, but in the other domains of social and human life, the situation is very serious, and yet this is the present situation.
What our present situation suggests to Berger is not the demise of the religious but a necessary approach or methodology for theological reflection: «The theological decision will have to be that, «in, with and under» the immense array of human projections, there are indicators of a reality that is truly «other» and that the religious imagination of man ultimately reflects.»
Although the nearness is presented temporally, its «meaning lies in qualifying the human situation in view of the coming of the kingdom».
In former times, however, the object and situation of a free human action were simply ready - made data, presented in fact with almost static fixity and repetitiveness.
In a BBC interview in 1958, Eliot concluded that «when one considers the classless society, even so far as it has adumbrated itself in the present situation of the world — its mediocrity, its reduction of human beings to the mass... the reduction which Plato foresaw, the reduction to a mass ready to be controlled, manipulated, by a dictator or an oligarchy: observing all those things one is emotionally disposed toward a class society.»
If he was not able to change the face of the present in a decisive way, his groping toward the mainsprings of human existence enables one not only to grasp more deeply the religious situation of our time but also to foresee the direction in which a new breakthrough must be sought.
But with insight into retrospective aetiology based on the present situation, much could be cleared up in the vivid representation of the inferred state of man which causes difficulties in view of the way we inevitably think today about human origins.
This situation is nowhere more clearly described in modern literature than in the novels of Franz Kafka: «His unexpressed, ever - present theme,» writes Buber, «is the remoteness of the judge, the remoteness of the lord of the castle, the hiddenness, the eclipse...» Kafka describes the human world as given over to the meaningless government of a slovenly bureaucracy without possibility of appeal: «From the hopelessly strange Being who gave this world into their impure hands, no message of comfort or promise penetrates to us.
This is particularly relevant when considering honesty in robots: «If robots are going to be present in everyday situations, then there is a host of social norms which humans know about but which a robot won't.
But the question is: Are there certain unchangeable facts in the human situation which compel us to recognize that the contradiction between the Kingdom of God and the kingdoms of this world is ineradicably present in life itself?
The unique factor about the present situation is that the vast human potentiality for destructiveness (in blocked creativity) is now armed with fiendish instruments of mass annihilation.
The interpretation of the present nature of human beings in any situation, as «made in the image of God» and as «brothers for whom Christ died» should be as Persons - in - Relation and destined to become Persons - in - Loving - Community with each other in the context of the community of life on earth through the responsible exercise of the finite human freedom reconciled to God.
«The Council has come to realize that life and mission of the Church must be rethought in the context of, and in challenging relevance to, the human issues agitating mankind in our present historical situation.
He clarified the ethical demands of a God - centered life by applying obedient love or agape to all human situations, both personal and social, and insisted this included the earthly as well as the eternal, and required our best actions amid the relativities of the present world.
Present human interference with the nonhuman world is excessive, and the situation is rapidly worsening.
We can not account for the present series of calamities merely by reference to the natural depravity of the human heart, however great it may be, for that is presumably a constant factor and there are aspects of the present situation which are by no means constant.
In our human situation or condition, we are greatly impeded in the move to self realization (or in religious idiom, to fulfillment in God) by the accumulated wrong doings we have inherited thanks to the causal efficacy of the past upon the present.
It is precisely a discussion of the route between text and sermon, if «sermon» means a situation in which the truth of human existence (its present state and essential possibilities) is disclosed.
For almost the whole of Indian thought, the pain of the human situation was accentuated by the view that present existence is only a small part of the whole.
That is, will the faith - communities while keeping their separate identities be prepared in the present historical situation of pluralism, to interact with each other bringing their respective religious and / or ideological insights on the conception of the human so as to build something of a consensus of cultural and moral values on which to build a single larger secular community?
From the beginning Vanier presents a very human Jesus who understands our human condition, the Logos who becomes a fragile human being, enabling each one of us to realise that we are all beautiful children of God no matter what our human condition or situation.
There are many factors present in the perception of a situation by a human being that can not be attributed even to the higher animals.
Justice (R) Dr. S.S. Paru would also present a thorough analysis and a tri-fold synthesis of the prevalent situation of «social injustice» that is gradually becoming predominant in the customary frameworks of nearly every sector, segment and section of human life.
«Unfortunately, if we add up human emissions from the pre-industrial age to the present, then around 2000 gigatonnes out of the 5000 total have already been released into the atmosphere — so the situation is worrying,» explains Finnish Meteorological Institute researcher Antti - Ilari Partanen, who is currently carrying out research at Concordia University and was involved in the study.
Younger and his cast are able to create fully realized human beings who come across not as functions for the purpose of this movie or who are only present to further certain plot strands, but instead as individuals who have found themselves in the circumstances of this dour situation who are each trying to figure out how best to deal with it.
I would like to discuss with you and express a concern about the present situation in a human world.
Multicultural Education and Human Relations asks pre-service teachers to diagnose their present knowledge and skills, reflect on experiences, actively participate in exercises, discuss relevant theory and research, and integrate this information into their behavioral repertoires, they can then enter classroom situations from a background of first - hand awareness and experience.
Families with new human babies on the way can present challenges to some pets, we help in those situations.
The «Temperament Correct» pit bull: seeks out human interaction; is responsive, biddable and eager to please; may be genetically predisposed to aggression towards other dogs or animals; is appropriately submissive; is well balanced and optimistic; enjoys handling; presents good eye contact; is able to be calm in the presence of other dogs on leash or — if initially leash reactive - can learn how to tolerate their presence; is willing to connect with handler during high arousal; can be handled safely even in times of high arousal; accepts a reasonable amount of confinement; drops arousal levels quickly when removed from a stressful situation; is social with people of all types; is responsive and good natured; is never aggressive towards humans.
Through the conjunction of and the cross between Willy Loman, the legendary anti-hero of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, Dante's Inferno, the photographic recreation of Gustave Doré's etchings of Dante's work and references to the US multinationals Chrysler, General Motors and Ford, the British - Nigerian artist suggests, on one side, the illusory nature of the «American dream» and, on the other, the parallel between Miller's exploration of greed and the human condition in the 20th century and our present situation, projecting it as its perverse, ill - fated legacy.
4) Present human interference with the nonhuman world is excessive, and the situation is rapidly worsening.
This resolution presents that the Council noted «climate change - related impacts have a range of implications, both direct and indirect, for the effective enjoyment of human rights...» and that such effects «will be felt most acutely by those segments of the population who are already in a vulnerable situation
[reposted on behalf of john mann] Re: «At May 22, 2006 10:42 PM, Peter K. Anderson a.k.a. Hartlod (tm) said...... alteration in coastline of the Mediterranean (where consistent human settlement has established such records) shows that the situation you present NEVER existed» I think you're implying that sea levels have continued to rise in the mediterranean.
Although these concomitant situations severely affect human societies, at present they are difficult to predict.
So the suggestion that the human population was reduced to dangerously low levels in the last ice age (if true) is not all that relevant to our present situation.
So, to fit the «environmental situation» into the» 4wd» example: --LSB-»... often people cite the increasing danger of collision with «4wd's», but that is only as there are increasing numbers of «4wd's» present NOW on the roads than previously and is NOT presenting that collisions with «4wd's» are inherently more dangerous NOW than previously...»]: - we would read: --LSB-»... there are more people «on the planetary surface» and so there will be more «accidental Human involvement» with NATURAL events.
More to the present point, and were such a situation to exist, it wouldn't matter very much whether or not humans added more carbon dioxide to his atmosphere.
And what humans laugh at is perceived mechanical inelasticity in human behavior, an absentmindedness where we would expect to find wide - awake adaptability to situations, «where we should be shaping our conduct in accordance with the reality which is present
It is important to understand that the ratification of the Convention will have little impact on present - day legislation and the current situation in Canada, since the rights to associate and bargain freely are already very clearly protected in Canada, under both the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the human rights legislation of every province, as well as by certain provisions of the Canada Labour Code and the statutes of the different provinces dealing with labour relations.
The Australian Human Rights Commission, in conjunction with the Indigenous People's Organisations, was pleased to present the fifth seminar in this series celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), entitled «The situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia&raHuman Rights Commission, in conjunction with the Indigenous People's Organisations, was pleased to present the fifth seminar in this series celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), entitled «The situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia&raHuman Rights (UDHR), entitled «The situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia&rahuman rights and fundamental freedoms of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia».
This situation presents a range of different exposures, and while the human eye automatically adjusts for the various levels, the camera will have a hard time making sense of it all.
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