Sentences with phrase «present in the atmosphere»

considering the environment of earth and the compounds present in our atmosphere at the time it is almost statistically impossilbe that such cells wouldnt have formed
The star's spectrum should contain strong signatures of any elements present in its atmosphere.
Often, the waves are present in the atmosphere but not visible if there are no clouds.
In strong fields such as those present in the atmospheres of white dwarfs (on the order of 105 teslas) and other stellar objects, our calculations suggest that this mechanism underlies the strong bonding of H2 in the Σ3u + (1σg1σu *) triplet state and of He2 in the Σ1g + (1σg21σu * 2) singlet state, as well as their preferred perpendicular orientation in the external field.
Lightning from these events might have assembled new chemical compounds from the atoms and molecules already present in the atmosphere, altering evolution.
They then compared their yearly September ozone measurements with model simulations that predict ozone levels based on the amount of chlorine that scientists have estimated to be present in the atmosphere from year to year.
By comparing the amount of carbon 13 in the inorganic particles with the absence of carbon 13 in the organic matter, scientists can estimate how much oxygen was present in the atmosphere at that time.
The Mars rover Curiosity reports that methane is not present in the atmosphere (28 September, p 19).
Carbon is present in the atmosphere and is stored in soils, oceans and Earth's crust.
The sea's acidity, in turn, reflects how much carbon dioxide was present in the atmosphere at the time.
«We found that when we confused the bees» environment by modifying the gases present in the atmosphere, they spent more time foraging and would bring back less food, which would affect their colonies,» said Fuentes.
This caused the methane to aerosolize into fine particles, creating a haze akin to that which today is present in the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan.
In addition to analyzing cooler planets and dimmer stars, the researchers plan to continue looking for and analyzing the abundance of other molecules that might be present in the atmosphere of tau Boo b.
But as water vapor becomes present in the atmosphere, ozone levels drop.
The team is studying how hydrophobic organic molecules, commonly present in the atmosphere, change the aerosols» formation, properties, and behavior.
The solid Earth contains a huge quantity of carbon, far more than is present in the atmosphere or oceans.
Tree rings dated around the year AD 775 displayed evidence of the radioactive isotope 14C present in our atmosphere.
Besides measuring the ions already present in the atmosphere, the instrument could also create ions from neutral gas molecules.
According to my old text book «A Short Course in Cloud Physics» by Rogers and Yau (1989, p. 95 in Third edition): «Condensation nuclei of some sort are always present in the atmosphere in ample numbers: clouds form whenever there are vertical air motions and sufficient moisture».
Conversely, the approach used here sees the total directly, based on the amount of methane present in the atmosphere.
The «balance - of - world» side rightfully claims that Americans, on a per - capita basis, at least, have been responsible for much more than their fair share of the carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere, including that deemed responsible for already measurable «ocean acidification».
The new study takes a top - down approach, measuring what is actually present in the atmosphere and then using meteorological data and statistical analysis to trace it back to regional sources.
In total, the authors find that soot emitted by the shipping industry contributes to about 2 percent of the total soot present in the atmosphere.
Is anybody there who can tell me why exactly carbon dioxide, in the amount it is present in the atmosphere now, can cause global warming (without using meaningless words «greenhouse gas»)?
They examined tritium, a radioactive hydrogen isotope that has been present in the atmosphere since nuclear testing began, to trace the downward movement of precipitation.
We can not avoid some level of warming caused by the heat - trapping emissions already present in the atmosphere, some of which (such as carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide) last for 100 years or more.
How much cO2 is actually present in the atmosphere, we don't have real empirical numbers / data.
environmental processes and conditions, including the history of fires and what isotopes were present in the atmosphere at particular times and places in history.
That is about 5 years in average and is based on the exchange rate of about 150 GtC / year of inflows and outflows for 800 GtC present in the atmosphere.
With warming planet, there is increased evaporation and more water present in atmosphere.
«Greenhouse gases which are present in the atmosphere absorb and re-emit particular wavelengths of radiation, under particular conditions.
But it is all, in the end, a lot more complicated than the simple flow diagrams that they often present in the atmosphere, however simple and revealing the outgoing radiative spectrum is.
When nitrogen oxides are present in the atmosphere and exposed to sunlight they turn into ozone and have been found to form acid rain.
The solid Earth contains a huge quantity of carbon, far more than is present in the atmosphere or oceans.
It is a proven fact that plants, including trees and all our food crops, are capable of growing much faster at higher levels of CO2 than present in the atmosphere today.
Water is by far the most important greenhouse gas, and is the only molecule that is present in the atmosphere in all three states, gas, liquid, and solid.
Some researchers have show that the Earth has been hotter before, and that more CO2 has been present in the atmosphere in past ages.
The AGW theory states that the additional warmth is set by the GHGs in the atmosphere and suggests that other gases make little or no contribution which gives a very large significance to the level of GHGs present in the atmosphere.
Water vapor present in the atmosphere can both deflect solar radiation and trap it in a way that forces either a positive or negative effect on the ambient / baseline A of 281k.
The authors» argue that early life may perform a vital regulating function on an early planetary environment by impacting both the planet's albedo (how much light it reflects from the sun) and the greenhouse gases present in its atmosphere.
In 1880, carbon dioxide was present in the atmosphere at the level of around 285 parts per million.
In addition, due to horizontal homogeneity and hungry absorbers present in our atmosphere, all horizontal energy transfer cancels leaving the 130 Wm - 2 upward.
Nitrous oxide is also naturally present in the atmosphere as part of the Earth's nitrogen cycle, and has a variety of natural sources.
We don't know exactly how much, because the warming power of CO2 depends on how much is already present in the atmosphere, and estimates for initial CO2 concentration during the PETM vary wildly.
Carbon dioxide is naturally present in the atmosphere as part of the Earth's carbon cycle (the natural circulation of carbon among the atmosphere, oceans, soil, plants, and animals).
It turns out that greenhouse operators voluntarily inject three times as much CO2 in the commercial greenhouse as it is present in the atmosphere.
That's in the IPCC AR4 Working Group 1, Summary for Policymakers, so one doesn't have to read very far to see what the IPCC actual projections are... that the projected trends are significantly lower than what Monckton claims and the fact that they are fairly scenario - independent over the next 20 years or so (which isn't that surprising given that it takes a while for the emissions in the various scenarios to diverge significantly and that half of the rise is projected to be due not to ANY additional emissions but simply to the greenhouse gases already present in the atmosphere).
Among other trends highlighted by analysts, alarmists are now openly calling for censorship, the jailing or execution of climate heretics, and even Chinese Communist - style governance in the bizarre war against human emissions of carbon dioxide — an essential gas exhaled by all people and necessary for plant life that constitutes a fraction of one percent of «greenhouse gases» naturally present in the atmosphere.

Not exact matches

By no means are we contending that Catholics have been untouched by the corrosive atmosphere of our present culture, but the Church has not stopped teaching the ideal of marriage that is the bedrock of what we find beautiful in family life.
In the present atmosphere of open - ended dialogue, sermons in the classical tradition will less and less be accepteIn the present atmosphere of open - ended dialogue, sermons in the classical tradition will less and less be acceptein the classical tradition will less and less be accepted.
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