Sentences with phrase «present mess»

He nods perfunctorily at collaboration and consultation, but makes clear that too much of both has contributed to the present mess of American Catholicism.
If the Saraki bloc wins, it would be back, full gallop, to the cumulative rot that brewed this present mess.
But that fatal error heralded the ascent of Jonathan, whose tragic misreading of the situation, with his merry corruption - as - usual credo, resulted directly into this present mess.
Pray, if there had been an MKO presidency, would there have been a compensatory Yoruba presidency that drafted Obasanjo; and created the solid foundation for this present mess, despite the Ebora Owu's huffing - and - puffing, over eight costly years, and ever after?
But from the philosophical to the bare basics: Obasanjo is directly responsible for the present mess President Buhari is trying to clear, even at the risk of his life.
Now, in the present mess of economic policies put forth by most governments in our world, he explains how the debt and trade imbalances will eventually have to balance.
You can read more on Rabalais's views of the present mess, and past oil spills, in a Ken Weiss post at the Los Angeles Times Greenspace blog.
The lack of money in the swaps contributed more to the present mess than anything else.
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