Sentences with phrase «present pace»

At present pace, the trillionth tonne would be emitted just before Christmas in 2040, according to calculations by Oxford physicist Myles Allen, and there's more than enough coal, oil and natural gas left in the ground to cook the climate.
«Going by the present pace and momentum of the military operation, no insurgent or group will be able operate freely by 2016» he said.
At the present pace, only about 20 or 30 years will be needed to close the gap.
This doesn't mean that humanity would not have to deal with CO2 emissions — and would not be storing up future trouble by continuing to emit at our present pace — but it would buy time and, perhaps even more importantly, significantly reduce the chances of catastrophic climate change.
Despite the present pacing issues and sometimes generic storytelling, captain underpants is a great children's film along with quality entertainment for adults as well.
Renewables like solar, hydro, wind, electric vehicles, and all the Scribblers in the world refuse to believe that civilization continues to cause global warming - and that at our present pace, size and activity, there is no stopping it, ever, by building even more civilization.
The present pace and scale of development in the Athabasca oil sands can not be morally justified.
With the present pace of change, it doesn't surprise me to find that resilience is a theme emerging when I coach senior leaders.
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